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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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Hehe, I caught you alls attention didn't I? XD You all are my friends, and ya'll don't have to read this blog if you don't want to. Just blogging about stuff that I'll be doing soon or even right now, so please do read!!!
Well, I’m very excited about going on vacation this year and finally getting out of town after so long!! Sunday is when I start heading out to a lake in the middle of nowhere, but close to suburbia and/or the city. Family is planning on just relaxing at our very nice family-owned camper and riding on our boat too. We are also going to put a small porch in front of our camper, so it’ll make sitting and even being outside more enjoyable. I’m planning on bringing my games and several movies with me for entertainment, since there aren’t going to be any people there. Unfortunately there is no internet or wifi where I’m going, unless if I go to use the library’s wifi for internet, which really won’t be too often, if at all!


While I’m on vacation, I’m planning on to visiting a Gamestop, since there isn’t in one in my town, to look for Chrono Trigger DS and other games that I might be interested in ( Jet Set Radio Future). I want to see if they offer better prices for the game compared to the game and comic store in my area. I’m also planning on going to visit my favorite pawn shop to look through various items and such. Mom will look at jewelry, dad will be looking at coins since he is a coin collector, and I'll be looking through music instruments and other various things that the pawn shop has. (I wish they had games, but they don’t. Such as life, I suppose.)

Sometime soon (2-4 weeks), I’m planning on getting myself a nice headset so I can use it when I talk on the podcasts and to people with better sound quality! I really want to buy a good headset, but nothing that is too expensive.

Having a good summer so far, though I do wish that there are more games that I can play. I guess it’s my disadvantage of having only one console that is from this generation of consoles, and of course money. At least I have Super Mario Galaxy 2, Art Style: Rotozoa, and Bejeweled 2 to keep me busy. I don’t really want summer to end because college is just around the corner, which starts sometime late next month. The schedule is going to be very odd. Not looking forward to my first night class. = - / I also wish I could find some way to learn how to drive. It’s not easy going to college knowing that most people my age already know how to drive, and I don’t. Can’t find anyone to teach me because of a lack of social life, and money is so tight anymore. = - \

Well, I’m glad that this blog didn’t turn out super long. If anyone really spent time reading this blog, then I applaud you. You actually….. care!! If you comment, YOU REALLY DO GIVE A CRAP ABOUT ME!! YAY!!! Didn’t read this blog? WELL, FORGET YOU!! …….. Well, at least you acknowledged it by glancing. = - |

Hope you all have had a nice vacation, or going to have a nice vacation soon! If any of ya’ll think that there are some games that I should look into, or any recommendations on a good headset, then let it rip! (Microphone/headset must be from retail. Wal-mart and etc….= - /) Share how your vacation is going so far too!!  Anyways, SEE YOU ALL LATER!!!
