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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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School/College Books and Classes!!

Post a picture of the text books that you had/have in school/college, and/or you may post the classes you are taking right now if you are in school/college.

Well, it's a new semester of college for me, and I'm not really all that excited. I know that a lot of you don't like school/college, but it's just a matter of dealing with it and making it through. 
I'm taking 4 classes this semester. 3 of them are online, and there is one that I show up to every Monday and Wednesday, which is accounting. Below are some pictures of my college books. Some of you who may have read my blog around August last year may notice that two books are completely the same, which are the business law and accounting books. They are the same, but last semester only half of the two books were covered. This semester, I'll finish the last half of the business law and the accounting books.

This semester I'll be taking Survey Economics, Accounting 2, Business Law 2, and Human Relations. So this is all I got. It's harder than what it looks, trust me. Anyways, for those currently in school/college I do wish you all good luck; for those who aren't in school/college, then you can go ahead and rub it in. = - P See you all later, and until next time.