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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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Spam blog, but read anyway.

 There was once a punk and a dork...they wanted to get some pork...Tha pig said No...and a fart he did blow...Tha punk and tha dork...they dropped their fork...they fell to their knees...and asked for more, please...they got so high...they ate a pie, and became friends wit tha pig.  He He He.    

Gork quest in la reson katawhapa justinint herisher en tha yarkest.  Hemer floackerst eekee tramastiduious gooflock vasergastro do toipar gossnell.


Cluck Cluck..tha rooster kissed tha duck,  Tha bear went to tha ride a boat with a Snake, The deer and the antelope..went to to elope, The turkey took to tha eat berries & get high on pills, If ya think this is strange, how about cooking pencils in a radar range.  He He  


Hay Hay Hay and A He He Heeee, Tha Goon is in tha toilet ya see, He got so drunk, he smelled like a skunk, he wanted to see Haley's Comet, but instead he went to tha porcelain to Vomit, His eyes were so red, His feet were so blue, He fell out of bed and sniffed some glue!!!


There is one great problem with drinking beer, If ya drink one ya will pee three I hear.  Some wise man once said, As i was laying drunk in bed.  Give up tha beer, liquor is quicker, to get ya to La La Land it is so much quicker.  Now there are some goofy pills, that will give ya some wild thrills.