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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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The Attempted Robbery

Well, I have to say that today was a pretty interesting and scary day. My mother could of been killed by a maniac. 
Here's the story. Very close family friends are moving into their brand new home this week. My family has offered to help them move. The women would stay home and take care of the unpacking, and the men are responsible for moving the heavy furniture and such from the old home to the new one. I'm very sore moving furniture right now, but I'm glad that I could help in their time of need. 
Anyways, I received a phone call from my mother and I could hear her yell "Go away, you're not welcome here." She told me stay on the line, and so I did. I let everyone around me hear what was going on as crook was still there, and we all made a mad dash to get to her from the old home once we knew what was going on. (20 minutes away) The law was immediately contacted after that call. 
What actually on the other side of the phone was pretty interesting. According to mom, she was using the bathroom in the downstairs area, and she heard someone come in. She at first thought it was my dad by the sound of his voice, because he responded to her question by grunting like my dad does when he answers. Once she stepped out of the bathroom, she saw the crook inside the house in front of the door looking around.
Mom - "What are you doing here?" 
Crook - "Oh, uh, I just need to get something." 
Mom - "You are not welcome here, people are moving in to this home and you have no business being here."  Then she got her phone out, "I'm calling the police."  
Crook steps outside. 
Mom runs and slams the door behind him, and he realizes it's a bluff. He yells, "I'm going to get in!" 
Mom ran upstairs and locked the front door before he could get to it, then she remembers that the kitchen door is unlocked. Then she ran to the kitchen, grabbed the closest thing that was near her, which was a metal cake server, and while he was opening up the door, she runs to the door and slammed the door with her full body weight on his hand. He was able to get loose, and she was able to lock the door. He pounded on the door to intimidate her, and then she called me while he was pounding. Once he realized that my mother wasn't playing any games, he ran and disappeared into the creek and onto the four lane. (Good thing he wasn't armed.)
Everyone was too late getting to the house, including the police, As the crook wasn't able to be caught. But they asked my mom questions and she was able to describe the man in detail, and the police searched the house. Nothing was stolen thankfully. 
Right now, I'm glad and extremely thankful that no one important got hurt or killed today. The locks were changed today, so no one should get in now. Hopefully it'll give my family friends a peace of mind. What happened will not be on the news or local news, so that is good.
Take care Giantbombers, and everyone stay safe. I need sleep as today was pretty weird. 
Tyler York