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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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Thoughts on episodic games.

Hey people! It’s me doing another blog about the non-sense and stuff ya’ll probably don’t care about….. then again ya’ll might care! I’ve broken this blog down into parts or in this case “spoilers” for your convenience. The purpose of this blog is to educate you on what an episodic game is (that is if you don’t know), mention the games that are/will be released in episodes or chapters, advantages and disadvantages of an episodic game, and finally my thoughts on episodic games. 

What is an episodic game?

Games that are/will be released in episodes or chapters

According to Wikipedia

Advantages of an episodic game

Disadvantages of an episodic game

My Thoughts

Hope ya’ll have enjoyed reading my blog. Comments are appreciated even if you don’t have a real comment. Just shows you’re paying attention, or just the fact that you looked at this because it caught your attention. Take care of yourselves and until next time!  
Tireyo643 (Tyler York)
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