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2012: Doomsday (I've been duped!)

 Alright so yesterday I was hanging out with my friends and we were browsing the selection on Netflix when I saw 2012: Doomsday. Now I've consistently seen this movie on the shelves at blockbuster and I was always curious about it as I love the fiction surrounding 2012 for some reason. ANYWAY we decided to watch this knowing it was going to be a mediocre to bad movie but that would still be sort of interesting to watch and maybe laugh at.  
WELL it turns out that this movie is this really fucking intense Christian film that is clearly trying to convert me. I wasn't expecting this at all even though at the start of the movie it says "Faith Productions" which I even read aloud thinking it was weird but clearly not thinking too much about it. Every single character in the movie is basically revolved around Christianity. Half the characters at the start are all Christian while the others are skeptical but by the end of the movie every single character has been converted.  

The ending of this movie is the biggest piece of bullshit that I have ever seen I can not put it into words. They try super hard to have everything make some scientific sense at the start about how the world is ending and why and then at the end it is randomly like yeah God decided not to destroy Earth but he also completely randomly made people dissapear in the process. Sound confused? I was too.   
Now I'm not anti-christian or anything like that and hell I even like watching some really spiritual movie every now and then but DO NOT fucking trick me by showing these intense explosions on the case and describe it like it's this super intense action movie while basically no where saying that it is a Christian film. It says in the Netflix description, "Melds Christian beliefs with science" but no they throw Science completely out the door in this one.
Please go watch this movie on netflix then come back to this post so you can understand my pain.     
(EDIT: I Forgot to mention this movie consists of practically no destruction which is almost the sole point of disaster movies. And the effects that are in it look like they're from the 80s)