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The puzzle video game "The king is gone" is now released. Check it out on the following platforms: @itchio :…

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New text rendering for "Rue"

From rendering 3D meshes as text, the game "Rue" will now be using 2D fonts, which are easier to read, and allow a bigger selection of characters.

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This is also the first step to make translating the game into multiple other languages.

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"Rue" new version 0.2.3

My 3D card game "Rue" just got a small update.

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It now has the first 5 stages, that need to be completed in order and some other small new additions.

Also a big bug that would cause shaders to not compile correctly on some hardware has been fixed.

The biggest new feature is that its compilation process has been improved, and the game is now available in the Microsoft Store.

Check it out here:

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New Particle System

I made a new Particle System, in order to improve the visuals of games I make.

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This one will possibly be added in my latest video game "Rue", which shows blue particles following a sine wave while they animate.

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Card game "Rue" is now available in Arch Linux's AUR.

My new card game "Rue" is my first open-source project made with `avdl`. I've started spending time on packaging it for different open-source communities, to familiarise with the process.

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Recently, I've created a couple of packages for the Arch User Repository (AUR), which is a place to find projects packaged by other users.

One package being for the video game "Rue" itself, and the other being for "avdl", the compiler for the programming language "Rue" was made on. This way, only with a few commands Arch Linux users are able to install "Rue" on their system, through the default package manager.

Check them out on the following links.

avdl in AUR:

Rue in AUR:

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New video game "Rue", alpha version available

I'd like to present my newest video game "Rue". This is a card game, where all players sit around a table, with a rose moving from around.

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The aim of the game is for each player to deduct the opponent's moves and influence the rose to end in the player's side.

This project is available for free, and is also open-sourced.

It is currently in Alpha, having just the base game implemented. There's a few features and some polish planned, but until then feel free to enjoy the game. It is available for Windows, Linux and Android.

Check out its web page:

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Project Rose: Progress

Progress of my current game in development "Project Rose".

Shows a sample game with 8 players, within a couple of turns. Each player is dealt 5 cards. Then each player in turn, play 1 card face down on the table. Once all players are done, each card is being revealed, and their effect is activated.

The card effects are still under the design phase. I would say the game is about 20% complete.

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Started development on new game: "Project Rose"

I've started development on a new video game, that for now it's called "Project Rose".

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It is a card game, where everyone is trying to keep a rose for themselves. The current plan is to have multiple levels, with a variety of AI opponents, requiring a specific strategy to beat.

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Drop a follow to get future updates about it's development progress.

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Added feature: Screen orientation change on Android

I've just added screen orientation change support on my Android games.

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This is a feature that most games usually don't need, as they lock themselves to either portrait or landscape orientation. However I wanted to add support for both orientations and also the ability to change between them on the fly.

This was a bit more troublesome to implement as it sounds, because on Android when the screen orientation changes, it destroys the previous OpenGL context and re-creates it.

"The king is gone" on Google Play

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