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The puzzle video game "The king is gone" is now released. Check it out on the following platforms: @itchio :…

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Card game "Rue" is now available in Arch Linux's AUR.

My new card game "Rue" is my first open-source project made with `avdl`. I've started spending time on packaging it for different open-source communities, to familiarise with the process.

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Recently, I've created a couple of packages for the Arch User Repository (AUR), which is a place to find projects packaged by other users.

One package being for the video game "Rue" itself, and the other being for "avdl", the compiler for the programming language "Rue" was made on. This way, only with a few commands Arch Linux users are able to install "Rue" on their system, through the default package manager.

Check them out on the following links.

avdl in AUR:

Rue in AUR:

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