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Best of 2010

Hey everybody! It is time to decide which games this year I enjoyed the most.  For starters, my rankings do not reflect how well a game was made, or how well executed a game was, or anything like that.  My rankings reflect my feelings on the games. My experiences, my time, my thoughts, me me me.  Also, let me start by saying that I have not played Red Dead Redemption or Mass Effect 2, so please do not have a conniption fit about these games not showing up.  Having said all this, here is my favorite games of 2010!!! 

List items

  • Assassin's Creed..... how you stole my time from me. I won't lie, I really really enjoyed walking streets and instead of killing a guard myself, I would call my friendly neighbor fellow assassin to do the dirty work for me. The story line was amazing. The ending was superb, and an even bigger cliffhanger than AC2. This is not the only reason why this game wins GOTY for me, it is the multiplayer. The multiplayer is sooo refreshing. I am so glad they took a chance of introducing multiplayer into the AC universe. Instead of the constant barrage of "kill more," Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood wants you know think about the style of your play. I really enjoy the chances they took with this aspect, and they succeeded. I cannot wait for the next game to come out!

    P.S. **** Spoiler Alert **** Lucy!!!!! What the freaking mess!! I demand answers!!!

  • When I started this list, Reach was originally about number five. Then I started thinking about the different memories from the campaign, and wow. Just wow. Bungie delivered a game that was amazing, and you already knew the ending. That is not easy in any imaginable way. The characters are amazing in their depth. I especially loved Jorge's character. This could easily be the best campaign of all the Halo games.

    Then there is multiplayer... and need I say more? Bungie has already proven itself as a king of providing hours of multiplayer fun, and Reach even exceeds those expectations. Bungie put the perfect stamp on their final game, and 343 has some freaking huge shoes to fill.

  • Ahhh, Bad Company 2. You showed us that a shooter can have a team focus, and still be amazingly accurate with gun precision. Albeit, the campaign is a bit forgettable, it is still something worth playing. But this is not the main attraction for this game. Bad Company 2 has one of the most gratifying multiplayer experiences out there (I am looking at you Call of Duty). With customizable packages, and different ways to help your team, Bad Company brings in so many roles for people to fill in. I loved being each class, and I heavily enjoyed taking my repair tool and grinding some fool's teeth out! Rush is easily one of the greatest multiplayer modes out there in any game. I cannot tell you how satisfying it is to take over a comm station, while hordes of enemies bare down on you and attempt to thwart you of your goal.

  • Ok, I will catch so much flak for putting this game above Super Mario Galaxy 2, but hear me out first, and then proceed beating me down. I do not like playing long games. It is essentially why I quit playing such critically acclaimed games like Final Fantasy 7, Mass Effect, and the such. If I am going to have to spend over 30 hours on one campaign mode, then end my misery by stomping my eyes out of my head. This game wins the award for most time put into one game. That number is around the 200 hour mark. Just reading that makes me want to strangle myself, but this is true. I beat the game at the 120 hour mark. I love this game. First off, considering the processing power of the Wii, the graphics are great. Landscapes are so much fun to travel, and they are varied, which is another great asset to this game. You go to so many different locales, and I really enjoyed the snowy area. The gameplay is magnificent. I cannot believe that they was able to put that many different fighting moves on one controller, and each one mean something unique. The even better part is that each weapon has a different set of moves. The depth of the combat system is really what kept me glued. The different monsters you face in the game are quiet astounding as well. The sense of accomplishment after beating a boss you have just hammered away at for 45 minutes is unparalleled. I would literally jump off the couch and yell after beating certain bosses. And if this was not enough, somehow Capcom was able to work in an amazing online offering that would work hand in hand with your character and still be seperate. Also, they did not use that friend code crap Nintendo implemented. Thank goodness, too. I enjoyed the online so much, and it is no where the amount others have. The community is strong on this game, and that makes it even more enjoyable. If you love hunting monsters, combat excellence, and online supremacy, you have to play this game.

  • I am a huge Mario nerd. I beat the first Super Mario Bros. when I was 2 years old. I love me some platforming, and I love me some Mario, and this game does not disappoint. The main thing you need to know is that this game is Super Mario Galaxy, but better. The level design is amazing. There are a ton of fun and unique boss fights. The visual sights with make love to your eyes. Bowser is bigger and badder than ever. This game is just amazing. The one complaint I really had with Super Mario Galaxy was the "hub" world. I did not like it one bit. To me, it was hard playing the game after a hiatus and picking up right where you left off. Super Mario Galaxy 2 goes back to a Super Mario Bros. 3 feel, and it is greatly appreciated. Also, if you love Mario, you will definitely love this game, as it is overloaded with nostalgia. Just go start the game, go to Throwback Galaxy, and you will know what I mean. Listen to the music, and you will understand even more. I was smiling on every level because of the music selection for each level. Nintendo, please keep feeding my Mario-size hunger.

  • This game is amazing. I love how they set up the atmosphere in the game. If you do not know what I am talking about, just download the demo, start it up, and you will then understand. I love the no music, no narration, and no color. This game allows your imagination to roam as you journey through each landscape in this game. What is the meaning of the game? I have my own thoughts, but then I think of another explanation, and it makes sense, too. I love that about this game. The gameplay is just great. The puzzles are awesome, and mind leveling. I could not get enough of the cinematics. Who were those people? Why is there a dead body? Who is this girl? I cannot tell you how awesome the ending of this game is. The final puzzle, and the cinematic that ensues is easily one of the most memorable pieces of gaming ever. Bar none.

  • This game showed that shooters can be sold on Xbox Live, and be good, and successful. I love shooters, but sometimes they take themselves too seriously. That is why this game is so great. It makes a sport out of shooting people. Also, I love sports!

  • I love football. I love playing football video games (which will show up again later nostalgia). I live in the south. Football is a religion. College football is the holy grail. Yet, I usually love Madden more. This year is totally the opposite. Madden bit the dust. Its horrible. It does not fill the football need in my life, and NCAA took the crown. Madden 10 was amazing, and the best Madden game ever (ok, Madden 05 and Madden 10 would have to fight to see who wins). NCAA does what Madden cannot this year: online. If you have played these games, you know what I am saying. So let's move on.

  • Here is my other football game. I played so much Tecmo Bowl for both the NES and SNES is pathetic, and this game just shook me up and made me relive those memories. This game is great as a stand alone, but the memories push it into my top 10. The flip from 3d to SNES graphics was a neat twist as well, and the difficulty is actually pretty good. I almost have this game S ranked, and intend to do so, one day....... (that will never come)

  • Who loves kart racing? I DO!!!! Who loves cars? I DO!!! Who would love cart racing with cars?!?! Me! This game is just fun. From the amount of cars you can race, to the power ups, it is just fun. I cannot believe that this game was actually made.