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Virtua Davis

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Bicky Crisps!

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The Bicky Burger is a Dutch, award winning Burger. It's a simple -- but when done well -- extremely tasty burger and unless you've tasted the best of them all, alot of snack owners will serve you just about anything. Don't let 'em get away with it! For Years I ate one of these every thursday after rehearsal with a band I played in. We became the owner's best customers, turns out he was the winner of several "Bicky of the Year" awards.

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The classic bicky (if you look close you'll see that there's salad in there, amateurs) consists of a slice of meat sprinkled with fried onion and its trademark three sauces, a yellow, red and brown one, I don't actually know what's in the sauce but there's beef and horse in the meat. (which is fucked up) oh and to finish off there's a pickle. However most snack bars get it completely wrong, the bread has to be compact and small like a burger you'd get at McDonalds but not as mushy, most guys will throw in a piece of tomato, salade and corn in there, this is just wrong! Others will have an oversize bread with the meat in the middle, so that the edges of the bun are just hanging there, flapping up and down as your eating.

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So today at the grocery store where I work these new crisps caught my eye, a pink bag with a Bicky print. I had to try these out. I have to say the taste has fatefully been re-created. I was afraid it was just gonna taste like pickle but it even encapsulates the aftertaste of the meat in there, disgusting but a true success! The Lady on the picture thought up the recipe for the crisps as part of a contest and since she won Lays made this special edition. Anyway, it's a pretty good burger. The Bicky Cheese is even better, and there's a royal size as well. It's definitely raunchy but hey it's fast food y'all. God knows what else is in it.

Update : it seems the crisps start tasting like regular pickles after the bags been open for half a day. Also my pee smells like bicky sauce and this product may or may not cause meat sweats.