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Extended gaming sessions: How do people do this regularly?

I wish I could focus on playing a game for hours upon hours. But honestly, as much as I love games, I just can't sit down and play them for huge amounts of time without taking breaks. It makes me sad, because time continues to be limited in my life for things like games. With some holidays coming up, and no hopes for a girlfriend in sight, gaming time should be in big supply. But how am I supposed to get myself to finish all these games? It's frustrating how many games I love and how complete I want to be with games in a series, but I just can't sit down for more than an hour or two (at most) and play the same game. It's tough! 
Am I getting old or something? I just don't see how people can devote consecutive hours to sitting down without getting worn out. My friends laugh at me because I talk games all the time, but I'm so behind in what I'm playing because I can't seem to finish anything quickly. This goes for board games too: I love any type of game...but I can't seem to focus for 4+ hour play sessions of Through the Ages or some other time-intensive game. It sucks! 
Do you game in large quantities? Are you some crazy Diamond-Tier SC2 player who is laughing at his huge flat-screen monitor right now? Am I in the majority or the minority?