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Dark Knight, New Laptop, BRAD COMMENT?!
What the hell just happened to me.
In 24 hours I bought a new laptop (yays!), saw the Dark Knight (yays!), bought a ticket to see it again tomorrow (uber-geek yays!) and realised I got a comment from Brad.
I mean, I knew that the Bombstaff would be taking an active part in the community but a comment? A blog comment from Brad? As in he actually read my blog, and commented on it?
That's like...far out.
I suppose it's my own fault for getting kinda freak-out-ish about it. I know that the guys who run this site are just regular dudes. But stil, I seem to have a habit of raising people I respect up on a pedestal and admiring them the same way I admire celebrities. I mean, celebrities are people too right? They all have to shower, eat, drink, go to the toilet and all that, right? Right...?

Meh, to hell with it, I'll big these guys up as celebrities my entire life, anyway.
I'd much rather read about how these guys are doing than hear about Britney's latest 'crazy antics'...


(the human showed me kindness!)