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Fishing for thoughts at 2am.

It's late and I'm tired.
No, I'm not tired. I'm bored. I want to do something, but I don't know what to do. I could play a game, but there's nothing I want to play. The only film I want to watch is Korean and I don't have the energy to keep up with the subtitles.
I refuse to watch a dubbed movie.

If I don't have the energy to watch a subtitled film, I'll never be able to pick up the 700 page monster of a book I'm half way into. Especially given how every other word is made up. Publishers should really have a quota for that sort of thing. Eventually, you get lost in a translation that doesn't have a handy pocket book to explain itself.
'English to Bullshit-Made-Up Language In 5 Easy Steps' was never going to be the catchiest of titles.

I could listen to music, but my headphones are broken. And it's late. I don't want to wake anyone up playing music on the speakers.
I've already kept up with the news: People lose interest in the Presidential election, some 'celebrity' I've never heard of is the centre of some scandal and Resistance 2 gets a 4/5, courtesy of Vinny.
I didn't see that last one coming, actually.

What day is it? It's Tuesday. No, Monday. No, it's Tuesday, except it's very early Tuesday morning. Asda will be open. I could buy some new headphones, maybe even pick up a cheap game. I could fill up my moped. Suddenly, that cheap game is looking unlikely. I could buy a DVD. But now I feel tired. Not bored, tired and I don't know if I have the energy to watch a film.
I don't know if I have the energy to navigate myself to a shop 3 miles away and then back as well, come to think of it.

So where does that leave me? Right where I started.
It's late and I'm tired.

Reality is such a bitch.
