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Lost Burnout.

This is about the two seperate games Lost: Via Domus and Burnout Paradise.
Sorry for if you thought a new Burnout title had been announced...I just thought it sounded cool ^_^

So today, I spent abour 6 hours at my friends playing Lost, and I really enjoyed it. Seriously conflicted as to my overall opinion though. Tomorrow I'm going back to his to finish off his achievements before borrowing it for myself and rattling through it a third and final time.

Ever since Trophies have been unleashed, I've been dicking around with Burnout Paradise as well. Currently up to 34% *yeys*, I've played this more in two days that I have since I've bought it. I forgot how great it was after about a week when I bought it and now (espcially thanks to the custom playlist option) I'm playing a damn sight more.

Still not recieved The Force Unleashed yet, though...;_;

Stay tuned for furthur gaming updates from your friendly neighbourhood blogster, DJ Bo on GiantBomb.FM
I mean:
