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Urgh. That's it.

Fuck it. I'm sick of being a fanboy.
To hell with Sony. They can fall to pieces and as far as my selfish consumerist opinion goes, I'll still have Microsoft and the Wii.
Don't get me wrong...I like Sony, but goddamn it, they have dropped the ball big time with the PS3 and the exclusives and what not.
That isn't to say that Microsoft is any better, what with hardware issues from here to fucking zanzibar!
And the Wii.'s a Wii. I just can't defend it.
So yeah, that's it. I'm done holding Sony's flag with pride. Because I'm not proud. Just like I'm not proud to hold Nintendo or Microsofts flag.
To hell with these corporate companies who can come up with astounding developments, but can't utilise any fucking common sense.

I'm neutral.


Edit: I will admit, my profile now looks a little too bland, what with my alias being gray instead of blue ;_;

Edit x 2: Despite my neutrality as far as system wars go, the PC as a gaming platform can still go to hell.