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#1  Edited By Tumbler

Me! I hate using a mouse and keyboard. I wish there was a safe way to buy PC software because it's way too common to end up with something that has little to no controller support. Even games that are multiplatform and should have perfect controller support (BFBC2) can end up with nothing. Borderlands was a shock. Bought that not expecting much and loved playing that with a controller on the pc. Deus Ex HR has awesome controller support, even changes all the prompts and interface controls in the game to reflect the 360 controller buttons.

BF3 has some controller support but it needs to be much better before I'd recommend purchasing it on the pc. The sprint is a hold function button, it should be toggle as it is on the consoles, but it seems they just slapped the controls for the pc controllers on and shipped it without testing. It may be something you can edit manually but so far I've not figured out how. FoV is also an issue but I think I've discovered something that can fix that.

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#2  Edited By Tumbler


Pretty effective marketing trick to be honest. When teh game was in alpha / beta it was anyone's guess how the maps would play. At release I was able to play everything and realized only about 3-4 of the maps were any good. (in my opinion) Add back to Karkland DLC and now you suddenly have a much more interesting set of maps to play on and people who didn't pre-order have to shell out $15 to keep current. I was able to find a limited edition after launch so I consider myself lucky. Someone playing the vanilla version of the game will likely find themselves excluded from a lot of servers real soon.

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#3  Edited By Tumbler

I'm liking the game as long as I know there is more on the horizon. I love the Caspian, Kharg and Firestorm maps. Canals is acceptable but I avoid it when possible. The other maps are garbage in my opinion. When the extra maps arrive in the back to Karland DLC I'm hoping to have a larger variety of maps available. As long as they keep on that track and add more maps with the full spectrum of weapons to use I'm good. If they add any more infantry focused maps I'll be PO'd.

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#4  Edited By Tumbler

Seems like this game needs an HD texture pack install option. I wasn't that impressed with the look of the game but as this is the opening 13 min (clip stopped at 13 min for me) I guess that isn't too bad. Game will be fun I'm sure but I was more impressed with the opening of the Witcher 2 and Dark Souls.

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#5  Edited By Tumbler

@alternate said:

Pretty bad. I clicked expecting it to just be IGN haters hating but they actually have a point. It isn't that he played it on casual - I understand time pressures - it is the lying and the editing to cover up. Should have just fessed up.

Perhaps you could Post a youtube video of the ending in question so we can all see how serious an issue this was.

The the reviewer says this:

I thought this line in my review might be bothering him: "Finish the last stage and defeat the final boss and what is your reward? A swift kick back to the title screen with no more than "congratulations.""

That is technically a true statement, although after completing normal mode there is a brief scene telling you you've unlocked hard mode. That scene was not significant to me, but upon reflection I thought maybe I wasn't being fair. So I removed the above sentence from my review, not to hide anything but in a hope to not mislead anyone into thinking there isn't a brief little something at the end of the game, however insignificant.

I don't feel like he got caught in a lie. Without seeing the ending little scene he's talking about I'm left feeling like Pixeljunk is just throwing a fit. Make a youtube video and show us what all this is about. Aren't we just talking about this little brief segment unlocking hard mode? Seems like you get that last stage no matter what difficulty you play on.

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#6  Edited By Tumbler

Response from IGN (the writer specifically)

I don't visit IGN much but this whole controversy seems kind of petty for a developer to start. Just makes me wonder what kind of people work over at pixeljunk.

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#7  Edited By Tumbler


I've just spent the past 2 days watching youtube video's of the xbox 360 version of the game and the pc version on Ultra and I don't see that big of a difference.

PC on Ultra (Only part 1 for now, should be full SP campaign eventually)

360 (20 parts, full SP campaign available to watch!)

I wouldn't be surprised if these video's simply can't do the game justice running at 1080p locally. But it's kind of an out of sight out of mind thing, I don't really see anything that compels me to go spend money on upgrading my pc so I can play the game there.

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#8  Edited By Tumbler

Eurogamer seems to be a reliable source. I'll have to read this more closely tonight. To the Bombcast!

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#9  Edited By Tumbler

@CL60 said:

@Sackmanjones said:

not really,

Since I see a lot of you saying this.. how in the fuck is this not noticeably worse? The textures look like ass on ps3.

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It seems like most of the game looks similar. The big textures on the wall are obviously better on the 360 version but if you ignore those the game seems to look fine in both cases. I was planning on picking this up on the 360 eventually but for now I wanted to rent it on Redbox (ps3 only). I'm not going to pass on red boxing it over this. I would prefer the PS3 had a similar HD texture pack that you could load...I just assumed it was loaded by default.

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#10  Edited By Tumbler

@GiveUpNed said:

I used to think Game Informer was a rubbish PR rag, until I actually read it. It is well written and has interesting reviews. I thought it was biased, then I saw that GI refuses publisher perks and fly's it's own staff out to events.

I'm still on the fence about the magazine, but it seems they have some standard of journalistic integrity. I see magazines as the source for information and writing you can't get anywhere else (A measured breath of fresh air in the video game world). I read gaming magazines such as Edge, Retro Gamer and GamesTM.

What is your opinion of the magazine?

Edit: Spelling and Grammar.

I consider Game Informer to be a part of the Marketing department of Gamestop. It's a package deal. You give them exclusive first look stuff, you give them exclusive content available only with purchase at gamestop and in return Gamestop uses their considerable sales power to push pre-orders and purchases. I don't consider the marketing department of Gamestop to be a good place to get gaming news. It's a good place to get "sold". You'll either be told how awesome this game is (aka they're paying gamestop) or you'll be told how iffy or not impressive this game looks (not paying gamestop)