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Starcraft Ghost

I remember first seeing Starcraft Ghost on the cover of Game Informer years ago. I was not a very big Starcraft fan at the time, so I wasn't very excited. My friends, however, were ecstatic. As the months of development went by and more and more screenshots were released their excitement only grew. "Dude, you play as a mutalisk!!" I would respond "Umm...k." Then, word came that this RTS turned third person action game was canceled. They were disappointed, but I believe this was the best possible outcome. 
My friends were sad that they weren't getting an entry in the their beloved Starcraft universe. But I feel confident in saying the game just wasn't any good. Blizzard canceled a product that was surely going to sell decently off the name alone that represented months of labor and cost and turned what I'm sure was a massive loss. The game had to be pretty craptastic for that to happen. Imagine if George Lucas had watched the final product of Episode I and decided it wasn't good enough and tossed it all out. The Star Wars universe would still be "pure" (as some people might say). Now imagine Blizzard releasing Starcraft Ghost to bad reviews and a customer base that would rip it apart. Starcraft 2 would still be a huge event, but the Starcraft universe wouldn't be pure. 
I just wanted to throw out there to some of the people that want a Starcraft Ghost game. If there was a good game somewhere in that premise, Blizzard would have been the developer to craft it, but they decided the game was not worthy of their franchise. Most Star Wars fans wish Episode I never happened the way it did and I believe Starcraft fans got that wish without even knowing it.


Hi Nobody

Well I have to admit; knowing no one is reading this blog makes me feel ridiculous for writing it. But hey, you have got to start sometime, right? 
I've been playing games my whole life. I realized one time that even though I consider myself a gamer and nerd, I enjoy playing Halo and Modern Warfare more than the traditional "deep" games. I think that Knights of the Old Republic and The Elder Scrolls games are real RPGs, whereas I find the linear Japanese RPGs to be more of a guided experience. Some of my closest friends are Japanophiles, but I don't see what's so great about anime and most of the crazy games. Don't get me wrong, there's quite a few excellent games from Japan, but in my opinion, most of the highest quality games are coming from America now. 
I just got back from Afghanistan at the end of April (I am a U.S. Marine). Being outside the country for 7 months with extremely limited internet access makes you realize how much the technology industry can change. I came back to find Apple made a bigger iPhone, Nintendo made a bigger DS, Avatar is ushering in a new revolution of 3D movies, Android phones are arguably better than the iPhone, and Bungie signed a 10 year deal with Activision. Seriously?