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Please Don't Make Me Do Twitter

I don’t hate Twitter. I think it is a great application that allows people to interact with celebrities and companies, and I love hearing what Neil Patrick Harris and Sarah Silverman have to say on a daily basis. What I hate is that it has become a necessity. Everyone expects you to follow them and everyone expects you to post daily. I have enough trouble pretending that I care about what you got at starbucks and how you want to get a haircut but don’t think you should when I am speaking face-to-face. I definitely will not even start to care if I have to read it every minute of the day.

This makes it even harder for me to tweet personally though, which seems to be expected from others nowadays. I know how it feels to not give a shit about anything anyone posts and just be completely tired of it all, and I feel it would be the most hypocritical thing to do the exact same thing with my unoriginal life. I am the type of person that prefers fleshing out my ideas anyway using a medium such as a blog like this. It allows me to expand on my ideas and make myself understandable to others, while learning about myself In the process. With 140 characters all you can talk about is unintelligible tiny excerpts that do not expand on anything or link to something that is more mind opening on a separate website.

I do kind of understand where people are coming from, and perhaps the majority of people want to listen to the mindless dribble of their weedhead friend every five minutes. That is fine, to each their own. Just don’t make me become a part of it, because I could care less about the miniscule sentences of nothingness continuously posted.