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G4TV Fuc**** Suc**


This is something I've been wanting to get off my chest for a while and I'm sure there are many gamers like me who share the same opinion about G4 TV. I first heard of G4 when I entered High School one of my friends told me about it, " Its Video Game Televison" he said I simply responded with " Get the F*** outta here". I really liked the idea of a channel compltely devoted to video games, there was one big problem I didn't have satelite I was a cable boy so I was pretty dissapointed, but thanks to the magic of the internet I was able to watch some of the videos online on G4's webstie. For three long years I waited and just last year I finally switched from cable to satelite and surprise surprise the first thing I turned to was G4 TV and you know what was on, COPS I was like " What the F*****************" I thought this channel was suppose to be about video games. I quickly looked though the guide and came to terms that this channel is nothing more than a Spike TV nockoff and after a week of trying to watch G4 and trust me I made an effort I turned the channel to something else and spouted these words, " G4 sucks". Even the one show that was suppose to be about video games X-play sucked Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb were annoying as hell I could not stand it. For one Adam Sessler seems to drink way too much Red Bull and you can't understand what he says. Then there is Morgan Webb who obviously reads off cards and knows nothing about video games. Overall I didn't spend much time with G4TV because my time is vaulable I know a lot of people say the old G4 is awesome and I can't vouch that because I didn't watch it back then. So yeah bottomline G4 FUC**** Sucks