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As everyone knows, Street Fighter IV came out Tuesday and was surprisingly available on that day instead of a day later like most games.  Yes, I am enjoying it a good deal, but at first I wasn't as much as I thought.  Since then it has grown on me since I have put about 17 hours into it so far and that is only in the single player stuff with the exception that I played DeVeAn in two matches.  Definitely looking to start playing a lot more against others very soon, so send an invite if you see me online.

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I also picked up some other miscellaneous stuff this week.  My tenth Super Nintendo game ended up being Timeslip by Vic Tokai.  It is a game that I have never heard of before and it is a somewhat decent Contra-esque platforming action game.

I also picked up two more Blu-ray movies, Street Fighter and Saw.  I was one of those people who saw Street Fighter in theaters back in 1994 which should come as no surprise since I was and still am a huge Street Fighter fan.  I know it isn't a good movie, but I just have a soft spot for it.  My enjoyment of it is on a so-bad-it-is-good level and I get a kick out of watching Raul Julia ham it up as M. Bison which is easily the best thing about the film.  Saw is a movie that I like quite a bit because I really enjoy truly good horror films and those are few and far between.  Yeah, the rest of the series is terrible, but the first one is quite good.  This particular release of Saw on Blu-ray is literally movie-only and has no extras which really sucks, but I suspect there will be a later release that will rectify that.
