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I meet Jun Takeuchi. I flip out.

Pictured: Jun Takeuchi is amused by fan. Wants brains.
My local GameStop apparently housed Resident Evil producer Jun Takeuchi today.

I tried to meet him with a level head, maybe ask him some questions regarding RE5's controls or things pertaining to RE5. The only thing that I could say after meeting him was:

"I'm sorry sir. I'm flipping out right now."

Suffice to say. I failed. But he totally got it and was laughing as the fans continued, one after another, to devolve infront of him into collections of noises.

It was pretty awesome.

Major Nelson appeared as well. He introduced himself to Takeuchi literally with:

"Hello, I'm Major Nelson."

Suffice to say. He failed. He awkwardly stood back as the fans one by one got their copies signed, I assume waiting to meet him after everything was done.

I took some cell phone pictures, sorry for the quality...they are cell phone pictures.

Major Nelson introduces himself
Major Nelson introduces himself
Signed copy will go next to my signed Master Chief helmet.
Signed copy will go next to my signed Master Chief helmet.