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Without the internets...FOR THREE DAYS!!!!

Tomorrow, I will embark into the great unknown to a mystical land called: "The Gorge".
There I will enjoy what is called: "The Sasquatch Music Festival", where I will listen to what many consider to be: "awesome music".

I will also not have the internet with me for three days (till monday.), probably not have television either due to the fact that I'm camping.

What if I miss something cool that happens here? What if an awesome game is announced and I don't know about it?! What if the Mayans were wrong and the world doesn't end in 2012, but on this Saturday?! I would like to know something like that!

If anyone is kind enough to just post random news that I might miss here while I'm gone, I would greatly appreciate it.
That, or you can send links to me to internet addiction clinics / anti-paranoid behavior techniques and appropriate medication.

Out of curiosity: How long have any of you gone without internet or television?