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Games I have been playing recently (in more detail)

Hello there! This is just a simple blog explaining some of the more recent games that I have purchased.

First of all, F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin. I was one of the people who really loved the first game, I shat myself when I first played it, it was so much fun. When F.E.A.R 2 was announced, I was obviously excited, I even played through the two decent but not as great expansion packs. F.E.A.R 2 simply did meet my expectations and it is a really great game. I actually got the game for the 360 because I have actually given up with PC gaming, I really couldn't be bothered with it anymore, it is too much hassle. I had no problems using the 360 controller to aim or anything like that, it was all very seemless. I haven't got much to say about F.E.A.R 2 it is about an 8 hour ride that is just awesome from start to finish. People have complained that the game isn't as scary as the first but in all honesty, I didn't find the first game scary either. I just don't get scared of games I guess, not at jump scares. The multiplayer in the game is actually quite good because the action is solid and there are plenty of modes. My favourite is failsafe because it's just like Counter-Strike. There is a leveling up system in the game but it is so unobvious that people probably don't know that it is there. Not to mention it takes ages to level up anyway. But overall awesome game, at least rent it.

Lots of fun
Lots of fun

Secondly, ShellShock 2: Blood Trails. In all honesty I pre-ordered this game alongside F.E.A.R 2 because I was somewhat interested in it and if it did suck then I can just trade it in... which is what I did. On the surface, the game isn't horrible. The premise is interesting, zombies in the Vietnam War sure if Wolfenstein could do zombies in World War II then it must be a smash, and there is plenty of blood in the game which can make games more satisfying when you kill your foes. But that is really it. The game suffers from many problems and can barely be recommended to anyone. Rent it if you really have to or for easy achievements. The main thing that kills the game is the VERY SHITTY framerate that plagues most enjoyment in the game. At times, the game is actually a slideshow, no joke. I haven't played a game that has ran this badly on a console in ages. Even Half-Life 2 on the Xbox didn't seem this bad. Since the game's framerate is constantly slow, you will sort of get used to it after some time but still, it's fucking ridiculous. The aiming sensitivity is way too fast by default, turn it down a good bit to make it playable. The game's AI is deeply flawed as well. Zombies are really stupid as you can expect but sometimes they get stuck or walk into a wall or something, it's just dumb. The typical VC enemy are just annoying because they always seem to know where you are and they just shoot you non stop, it's a pain in the ass. Regardless, going through the game either on normal or easy is really not too tough and the game is only about 5 hours long which is pretty crap. What is even worse that the game has no multiplayer which is bullshit. Rebellion really fucked up their good record with this game, I loved a lot of their games like Rogue Trooper, Aliens versus Predator and Sniper Elite but this just sucks. If this was a budget game, it wouldn't be too bad but it's not. It's horrendous value, just don't bother.
Not so fun
Not so fun

The latest game that I have been playing is Street Fighter IV and I love it really. I am not a mad Street Fighter fan but I have always found the series to be a lot of fun and it is actually one of my favourite fighting games along with the Mortal Kombat series and IV is really my favourite game in the series so far. I found the previous games to be pretty hard both to play and just hard in general, I flat out sucked at Turbo HD Remix but IV is much more accessible and it's just awesome. Many say that this game is only playable if you spend loads of money on a joystick but I have been playing with the standard 360 controller and I am actually find it fine. I won't spend loads of money on something that I will probably regret later on down the line. But yeah, the gameplay is amazing and the graphics are really pretty. If anyone wants a fight then just ask, I am willing to get shitted on, I am really terrible.

That's all folks! See ya later guys


PS Completely forgot about GTAIV The Lost and Damned. It is great for the price but I don't think I am going to play through it again anytime soon but it was so cool the way the story linked to main GTAIV. I recommend!