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@austin_walker: I definitely agree, there's a point near the end where Wreden casually drops a really important revelation:

After he creates the bridge over the invisible maze (or unlocks the impossible door soon after, cant remember which exactly), he mentions that it's not the "first time he's had to edit the game to move you along, like when the housecleaning game was supposed to be infinite!" Except there were plenty of other times he did that more practically!

And more importantly: when he ends the housecleaning segment, he never tells you that he did that. As far as I remember, he just says, paraphrasing from memory "and then it ends. and you have to move on to survive." Drawing notice to that discrepancy, along with the fact that he never addresses the kind of shocking revelation about the lampposts, definitely speaks to the fact that it's a (genius, emotional) crafted narrative.