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E3 (and some quest thingamajig) made me do it...

After watching all the press conferences and the plethora of videos that came out o f E3 2010, I'm pretty psyched about the following...

List items

  • Of course! The more I see of this game, the more I want to get it in my console to start creating.

  • Finally, a solid release date! There's been a GT5-shaped hole on my games shelf just waiting... and waiting...

  • One of the biggest announcements from the EA launch for me. What's not to love about Criterion, the makes of the Burnout games making a Need For Speed game and going back to the cop chases from Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted.

  • Worth seeing, just to find out how they manage to shoe-horn the graphical benchmark of PC gaming onto consoles.

  • Played through and 100�his first, bring on the next instalment.

  • It slices. It dices. It...wrenches the spines out its enemies and absorbs their energy. bring on the Raiden.

  • Another FPS? But it's the sequel to Killzone 2, so it needs to be played.

  • Even though I didn't get around to playing the first one, seeing the demos (and hearing the UI designer on the Video Podcast) has me interested in this one.

  • I must be the only sentient being on the planet who has yet to play Portal... even though I downloaded it when it became free recently. I'm still interested to see what this looks like (and maybe I'll have installed and played the original by then)