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My most anticipated games of 2011

Now, realize that I don't have a PS3, which means that Uncharted: Drake's Deception isn't on this list, which it definitely would be if I had one. Hopefully I'll get one this coming up year. We'll see. If I do, Uncharted would probably be sitting pretty at #5.
Now to the picks.  

Most Anticipated Games of 2011

1. Mass Effect 3

The sequel to my favorite game of 2010. Hmmm...yeah I'll take one of those.

2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Despite the fact that not tons about this game is out there, dear God I need this game. It beautiful.

3. Portal 2

Valve. Portal. Glados. /done

4. Batman: Arkham City

Batman: AA was one of my favorite game of the '09 season, and it still holds up very well against games similar to it like Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood, made by bigger teams, everything known about this game looks great.

5. Crysis 2

Looks fantastic, never did get a computer capable of the first. But, since this one's on 360, I get to try it out. Looks to have good multiplayer (even though the last time a dev took over the multi of a game it didn't build the single player of *Bioshock 2*, it didn't turn out so well), this looks to have a better base underneath and an interesting suit mechanic. We'll see how it goes.

6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

I never finished Oblivion, or even the MAJORITY of the main campaign, yet I spend 65 hours in the game. That tells you something about these games. Even though I actually did finish Fallout 3 I spent more time in Oblivion, and...I want this game to swallow me just like Oblivion did.

7. Dragon Age II

Loved the first one, hope this one will be just as good. The trailers certainly look pretty, and have copious amounts of blood. Pretty blood...if you know what I mean.

8. Rage

Id's return to form? Again, not a ton known, but what we do know? Fantastic. Multiple discs with fantastically gorgeous slightly cel-shaded graphics and a solid shooter base make it seem like Borderlands, but this looks to have a stronger story and less grind. And they haven't even talked multiplayer yet.

9. Homefront

Kaos knows what they're doing, even if not many people know who they are. Creator's of the Battlefield style Frontlines: Fuel of War, this game looks better every time I see it. I'm hoping they can pull an upset on the Battlefield's and CoD's of the world because they are definitely the underdogs.

10. Star Wars: The Old Republic

If this game ends up being everything I think it could be, it will 1. Be the first MMO I pay for 2. Make 2011 the year of Bioware.


Also, a crapton of honorable mentions. Before the VGAs, these were on my list too:
L.A. Noire (Old-school mystery solving adventure gameplay updated with 2011 technology? Sure.)
Brink  (Could be the biggest underselling game of the year, unique single-player/multiplayer objective gameplay)
And these are the rest of my honorable mentions in no particular order:
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes HD (XBLA, PSN) (Favorite DS game of the past year with HD graphics, online multiplayer and game balances)
Dead Space 2 (Loved the first, multiplayer looks hokey though)
Bulletstorm  (Epic Games wouldn't release it without it being good, but might not be quite my style)
Red Faction: Armageddon (Liked Gorilla and the older FPS RF1 and 2. I trust Volition to make good games)
Duke Nukem: Forever (Had to put it on here)
Not announced games that will probably come out in 2011 that I want: 
Halo for 2011 
Call of Duty for 2011  
Assassin's Creed for 2011
Thanks for reading! Feel free to list your own!


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Edited By wh1terav3n

Now, realize that I don't have a PS3, which means that Uncharted: Drake's Deception isn't on this list, which it definitely would be if I had one. Hopefully I'll get one this coming up year. We'll see. If I do, Uncharted would probably be sitting pretty at #5.
Now to the picks.  

Most Anticipated Games of 2011

1. Mass Effect 3

The sequel to my favorite game of 2010. Hmmm...yeah I'll take one of those.

2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Despite the fact that not tons about this game is out there, dear God I need this game. It beautiful.

3. Portal 2

Valve. Portal. Glados. /done

4. Batman: Arkham City

Batman: AA was one of my favorite game of the '09 season, and it still holds up very well against games similar to it like Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood, made by bigger teams, everything known about this game looks great.

5. Crysis 2

Looks fantastic, never did get a computer capable of the first. But, since this one's on 360, I get to try it out. Looks to have good multiplayer (even though the last time a dev took over the multi of a game it didn't build the single player of *Bioshock 2*, it didn't turn out so well), this looks to have a better base underneath and an interesting suit mechanic. We'll see how it goes.

6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

I never finished Oblivion, or even the MAJORITY of the main campaign, yet I spend 65 hours in the game. That tells you something about these games. Even though I actually did finish Fallout 3 I spent more time in Oblivion, and...I want this game to swallow me just like Oblivion did.

7. Dragon Age II

Loved the first one, hope this one will be just as good. The trailers certainly look pretty, and have copious amounts of blood. Pretty blood...if you know what I mean.

8. Rage

Id's return to form? Again, not a ton known, but what we do know? Fantastic. Multiple discs with fantastically gorgeous slightly cel-shaded graphics and a solid shooter base make it seem like Borderlands, but this looks to have a stronger story and less grind. And they haven't even talked multiplayer yet.

9. Homefront

Kaos knows what they're doing, even if not many people know who they are. Creator's of the Battlefield style Frontlines: Fuel of War, this game looks better every time I see it. I'm hoping they can pull an upset on the Battlefield's and CoD's of the world because they are definitely the underdogs.

10. Star Wars: The Old Republic

If this game ends up being everything I think it could be, it will 1. Be the first MMO I pay for 2. Make 2011 the year of Bioware.


Also, a crapton of honorable mentions. Before the VGAs, these were on my list too:
L.A. Noire (Old-school mystery solving adventure gameplay updated with 2011 technology? Sure.)
Brink  (Could be the biggest underselling game of the year, unique single-player/multiplayer objective gameplay)
And these are the rest of my honorable mentions in no particular order:
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes HD (XBLA, PSN) (Favorite DS game of the past year with HD graphics, online multiplayer and game balances)
Dead Space 2 (Loved the first, multiplayer looks hokey though)
Bulletstorm  (Epic Games wouldn't release it without it being good, but might not be quite my style)
Red Faction: Armageddon (Liked Gorilla and the older FPS RF1 and 2. I trust Volition to make good games)
Duke Nukem: Forever (Had to put it on here)
Not announced games that will probably come out in 2011 that I want: 
Halo for 2011 
Call of Duty for 2011  
Assassin's Creed for 2011
Thanks for reading! Feel free to list your own!
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Edited By KinkyWizard

You just made a list of everything that is comming out in 2011. science most come out same month redo your list. into updated top 5.

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Edited By bishna

so im guessing that no one wants zelda but me

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Edited By CptChiken

THis is a good list, but needs more Duke.

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Edited By Jeust

Witcher 2?

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Edited By Tsarevich
@Bishna: It's going to take more than that half-assed E3 trailer to make people want it. People will care again 2 months before release when Nintendo finally decides to show something new.
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Batman would be higher on my list, but Mass Effect is far and away at the top.

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Edited By awesomeusername
@wh1terav3n said:

Red Faction: Armageddon (Liked Gorilla and the older FPS RF1 and 2. I trust Volition to make good games)  
It's spelled Guerilla. But good list. I want everything but The Old Republic, Halo, Might and Magic and Dragon Age 2. Plus, CoD has already been announced. Just no trailer came out. There will be a CoD as long as Activision lives dude.
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Edited By pweidman

No Gears 3  And what about Forza 4?  Two Worlds II(in the US!)?  Also, just maybe we see Diablo 3 next least one can dream...lolly. 
Seriously, pretty much these...... plus most of what you listed....yeah.
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Edited By LeetBalla

Almost all of the game you listed plus, The Witcher 2, Catherine, and Forza 4.

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Edited By SSValis

all of the games the op listed but add in MW3

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Edited By fearthephins

Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 :)  Oh and Gears of War 3!! If it actually does come out in 2011 haha

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Edited By wh1terav3n
@pweidman said:

" No Gears 3  And what about Forza 4?  Two Worlds II(in the US!)?  Also, just maybe we see Diablo 3 next least one can dream...lolly.  Seriously, pretty much these...... plus most of what you listed....yeah. "

TW2, no. Gears 3, I'll play it, but I never got into the multiplayer of Gears, so that's not quite on my list. Forza 4, I like racing games (burning through Hot Pursuit right now), and I *liked* Forza 3 but I stopped playing it pretty quick in favor of other games. It'll take quite a bit for Forza 4 to break my list.
@awesomeusername said:

" @wh1terav3n said:

Red Faction: Armageddon (Liked Gorilla and the older FPS RF1 and 2. I trust Volition to make good games)  

It's spelled Guerilla. But good list. I want everything but The Old Republic, Halo, Might and Magic and Dragon Age 2. Plus, CoD has already been announced. Just no trailer came out. There will be a CoD as long as Activision lives dude. "
   Ahhh. I'm a grammar/spelling nazi too. I guess I was just typing fast. Also, we "know" its coming, but we don't know if it's Sledgehammer, Infinity Ward or whoever making it, nor the title, which is why I'm saying its almost certainly going to be announced and come out.  
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Edited By awesomeusername
@wh1terav3n said: 
 @awesomeusername said:

" @wh1terav3n said:

Red Faction: Armageddon (Liked Gorilla and the older FPS RF1 and 2. I trust Volition to make good games)  

It's spelled Guerilla. But good list. I want everything but The Old Republic, Halo, Might and Magic and Dragon Age 2. Plus, CoD has already been announced. Just no trailer came out. There will be a CoD as long as Activision lives dude. "
   Ahhh. I'm a grammar/spelling nazi too. I guess I was just typing fast. Also, we "know" its coming, but we don't know if it's Sledgehammer, Infinity Ward or whoever making it, nor the title, which is why I'm saying its almost certainly going to be announced and come out.   "
Well, if the rumors are correct, it'll be MW3. But why care for CoD anymore? They're all the same. Just play Black Ops 'til the end of 2012.
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Edited By skulltaste

There seems to be a distinct lack of Diablo 3 on this list... and also Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm (if it actually comes out in 2011!)

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Edited By baron_calamity
Very good list. Many of your titles are similar to mine. Here is my extended list. 
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Mass Effect 3
Arkham City
Tomb Raider
Back to the Future
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Dead Space 2
Dead State
Dungeon Siege III
Duke Nukem Forever
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Max Payne 3
Portal 2
The Sims Medieval
You Don't Know Jack
Torchlight 2
Bully 2
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator

Some very nice picks on that list, although I'd be careful of putting too much faith in the new Deus Ex before we have more information about it, I'd also be very wary being that expectant of any non-Bungie developed Halo game.

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Zone of the Enders 3 (BELIEVE IT)