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@thebobster92: i just wish people understood that you don't HAVE to use comment sections to either gloriously praise or spitefully diminish something, I don't even LIKE the bit but boy howdy I sure am sick of watching people act like this show is a problem when it isnt

haven't watched an episode of Albummer bc I don't have an emotional connection with music. i don't go into that shows comments and go THIS ISNT WHAT I WANT PLEASE DO SOMETHING ELSE

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I've been following this crowd for many years and I will always blindly give them subscription money because, well, I'm an adult with disposable income and I want them to be able to make more stuff. My main issue with the current content dump is quantity over quality. I love Grubbsnax, the Silent Hill series, and yes, Albummer. I completely forgot any of the other shows existed. When this show was announced I distinctly remember Jeff B being slightly irritated right off the jump because Janina was only producing the show.

If you look at the faces in that apology video it looks to me like Jeff G is pretty irritated. I wonder how much of this was a contract deal and they are currently on the hook for X amount of episodes. I am indifferent of whether it survives or doesn't I just keep picking up subtleties from the staff on that one.

my friend this is a bit you are being worked

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@slax said:

@bacongames: Reel Layers killed Kingdom Heartache?

what bacon is saying is the people absolutely flipped out that it wasn't 100% straight serious playthru.. this community seems to have a problem with anything that isn't either 100% real gameplay, or podcasts about things.. the idea of a joke not being spelled out the entire way really bothers some people

are these bits my favorite? no.. but I'm not gonna be bothered enough to shout about like the people above me

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@larmer said:

I love the movie Twister, and that’s the only reason I watched that show. It was terrible and everyone involved should feel bad about it.

This continuation where they pretend that they’re being sued by the estate of Bill Paxton isn’t even interesting. GB should cut this feature short instead of continuing to hand Janina cash to phone in an entirely effortless production.

please go away

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if you could when ever possible just list the price of the game in the bottom scroll?.. maybe if this works out on the podcasts itd be possible to roll into quick looks

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i never got to play 2.. and now its impossible to get cheap so im all over this, price is a totally subjective thing and im totally ok with budgeting for this

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thank you both i ended up going with a year of prime and mgs5 for around 140.. i feel a lil better :)

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thru an unexpected series of events, half of my 'im totally gonna buy a ps4 for star wars when it comes out money' is now gone. but I still have a chunk of change burning a hole in my pocket. I could be responsible and save that money... but I have video games to buy ;)

I've heard that two of the more full and less stripped down versions of games on the ps3 are MGS 5 and DBZ Xeno verse... can anyone confirm that these aren't total dumpster fires and that they are rather acceptable ways to play the game?

also, feel free to recommend any games that I may have overlooked from the ps3 era.. if I can get it cheap enough I'd play almost anything

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#9  Edited By Wheels1993

can anyone help a brother out

so i got this working one time.. went to turn down graphic options to make the framerate as high as possible, and the game crashed, and now no matter what i do the game keeps crashing i've uninstalled and reinstalled the game ive verified the cashe.. anything i can think of and nothing is working.. if gets past the opening logos and crashes, but it is in 16:9 so there's that.

i apologize if the grammar in this makes people want to cry..just trying to get this out quickly

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#10  Edited By Wheels1993

after slogging thru the bronze elo of LoL for nearly 3 years now, i've come to terms that i no longer find solo q in that game, or any game in this genre to be enjoyable.. so as i give dota 2 one last real chance to hook me again i beg and plead for your help so that the next 100 or so hours i spend really trying to learn the game isn't just full of people telling me to kill myself.

Things of note

  • i'm not a newbie to the genre, i leveled up my LoL account in the middle of season 2 and began to understand the game at a deeper level in the beginning of season 3. i have about 1200 wins, plus the few hundred i got in ranked every year, i understand the ideas of pinging, of taking farm and objectives over kills and such and such.
  • i need mechanically simple heroes. I was born with cerebral palsy, and while there's a whole host of issues i could go into the main thing is that my ability to hit many buttons very quickly is very very bad, especially when you factor in that i can no longer lock my camera and have to hit an extra button to center it every few seconds is going to be bad enough as is.
  • i don't take harsh criticism well, i know im ass and probably always will be ass, you reminding me that i suck doesn't really help anything
  • if you often use inflammatory adjectives like 'rape' or retarded' or talk smack to a team that didn't earn it.. i suggest we avoid each other in game, however i welcome the advice

Steam name is therealchristoph and (mod edit - don't beg for games on the forums)

God bless,


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