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Easy Challenge Day (Halo Reach)

I thought a few of the other days so far this week had easy challenges, but today is super easy.  If you still need the weekly challenge, today is likely the low hanging fruit of the week.
750cR - More than a Handful
      Kill 77 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking.
Just play 4+ matches, depending on how many kills you can average per match.  I suppose if you play objective or dominate in multiteam you could get this done in fewer than 4.

2500cR - One Spartan Army
      Kill 250 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
Two or three matches of Gruntpocalypse in score attack will give you this.
2000cR - Hyper Lethal Vector
      Kill 100 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking.
You should manage 100 headshots during the 2-3 matches needed to rack up 250 kills for One Spartan Army.
600cR - Blast Radius
      Kill 30 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with grenades.
Not sure if you'll get this or not during the One Spartan Army and Hyper Lethal Vector challenges.  I tend to hang near  an ammo dump and pick off grunts from a distance so I don't pick up many grenades.  But you should be able to manage a decent number of grenade deaths in the initial play throughs and then play a standard score attack or whatever and go aggro to pick up extra grenades + die a lot to get the two you spawn with.  Shouldn't take long.
And if you want to mix things up, you can obviously hop into some 4 player firefight matchmaking.  I have fun with that in 3 or 4 match doses.
5850cr for 4 fairly easy challenges.  Plus 2000cr for the weekly if you don't have it yet.