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#1  Edited By Xercodo

Bump and reboot? :D

I still don't mind helping people, just gotta make sure to ask questions!

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#2  Edited By Xercodo

Oh damn Bolton, when did you get here?

That's what I get for not paying attention to this forum as a whole and only watching my topic :3

Every now and then I consider joining Test but I just can't decide D: I love middle management dino tho xD

Oh but if you can, Bolton, can you poke Navigator for me? It's a bit of an RL issue actually and I don't have any out of game form of communicating with him :3

But yes, to the other in this thread, Bolton and test are awesome \o/

@Chumm: It might not sound like it but he is. Test is a pretty big alliance now and when Bolton isn't drunk he makes a damn decent commentator for the alliance tournament. Guys here just need to under stand that EVE culture (particularly null sec and official forum culture) is drenched in sarcasm and trolls and memes. It's actually pretty funny once you get used to it. Test alliance has a reputation for not giving a fuck about their reputation and just having fun with it. Kinda part of why I been thinking of joining them.

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#3  Edited By Xercodo

@k4el: How do you mean? Of the factions in the game or one of the player alliances? For the most part I just fly for me and my friends :P

I fly a lot of Minmatar ships even though I'm Amarr-Khanid xD

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#4  Edited By Xercodo
  • Floating island made in creative mode
  • Interior of house on floating island
  • Wheat farm on a survival map
  • Same wheat farm
  • Bridge made in that same map
  • was a lot of dirt to dig
  • ....but I only died once from falling off of it :3

And btw I didn't use fly mode on any of it, even the pics are taken from a very tall jungle tree nearby

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#5  Edited By Xercodo

@tds418: Look at the scanning guide on CCP's YouTube channel. Should clear things up for ya. Four probes is the minimum for scanning anything down. Hold the Shift key to move all probes and use the alt key to scale probes around their center.

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#6  Edited By Xercodo

@Sweep said:

The thing is, it takes a long time before you know enough to effectively take part in stuff like that. Think about how long it would take for you to start Raiding in WoW or competing at a decent level in something like Dota or LoL - even something like CoD would require you to invest a fair amount of time before you got a decent mental map of each level and an understanding of all the weapons. EVE is no different in terms of that level of experience, and in many ways it's a lot tougher to crack because there is such a large spectrum of activities in which you can take part.

I'm not trying to scare off new players, and I think the tutorial stuff at the beginning of the game has improved dramatically to the point where you can actually start playing without requiring online guides and other players helping you out, but there's still a pretty severe time investment required before you are going to be involved in any of the crazy stuff you hear about in the news. The thing is, once you get there, it's like nothing else you have ever played.

Yes exactly! This sorta stuff is why all of the SP and ISK in the game won't get you anywhere without any actual skill. Many people regard the long skill training times as a burden, but use that time to learn everything you can so that by the time you can use your new ship you know how to do it right.

@BabyChooChoo: I can. I used to run VGs and have a maxed out scimitar (logi 5 and shield emissions 5). I haven't run them since the changes in Escalation though so I'm probably not as helpful as I would be normally. But I can still give some pointers about fitting ships and such (as you can imagine this means mostly shield fits).

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#7  Edited By Xercodo
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#8  Edited By Xercodo

@Pazy: @MikkaQ: @Renahzor: Ya the great thing about the independent chat channels is channels travel with you no matter what corp you're in or what activity you do. :P

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#9  Edited By Xercodo

@tds418: You can still do the extended trial. You'll just have to start over the small starter bits. Int he grand scheme of things it isn't going to be a whole lot of redoing stuff in exchange for 7 extra days :P

Just send one of us an email address to use.


As for the mining I'd stay away from it for now. Hulkageddon is currently going on and that means hardly any mining ships are safe, even in high sec. But to specialize in both mining an exploration there actually IS a niche for that; scanning grav sites to mine. MUCH less likely that a guy from hulkageddon is gonna pop you on a grav site since they have to scan you down and usually guys won't go through those kinda lengths to find miner to gank. Exploration on its own though is pretty cool provided you have a decent idea of what you're doing. Personally, I'm considering doing more exploration in something like a BC and poke around in low and null sec, maybe live in a C1 or C2 WH for a day and then come back home :P. The stuff you find from exploration is either stuff that's used in T2 production or is the special faction and deadspace modules ([Latin Name] X,A,B,C-Type, Gistum A-Type 10MN Afterburner) and can be very valuable.

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#10  Edited By Xercodo

@benspyda: Ya it's great for casuals cause of the skill system (don't have to play 24/7 to progress) but without learning mechanics and the ins and outs of ship fitting you still won't get anywhere and learning that stuff would be your time sink. You can try reading the big blog post I did recently which pretty much lays down all the technicalities of EVE and see if it might work for you at some point.

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