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@robertforster: not really surprising given their tastes and opinions. they wrote off the witcher 3 when it came out due to some bugs and bad ui if i remember correctly. jeff playing the super buggy pre-release copy of cyberpunk and the absolute bungling of the console releases essentially poisoned the well for him, and by extension the rest of the gb crew. ostensibly the biggest release of the year and only jeff has actually played through it. vinny played a few hours and alex decided to get the known most busted version so he could play tens of minutes then throw his hands up and call it bad.

the game needed probably another year at least to flesh out the content, refine the main plot and side quests, optimize for the various platforms and quashing bugs. hell, if it came out in 2021 they couldve skipped releasing on last gen consoles and completely avoided the headache of developing for junkass underpowered hardware. there are kernels of greatness there but it needed more time in development.

that said ive been having a fun enough time and am close to 100 hours in, currently going around mopping up the side content before starting the end game. i agree with what jeff said on the hotspot, calling it a 4 out of 5 star game. the increasing hyperbole about how bad it is seems to be jeff reacting to pushback by fans who are overly invested in it

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the neoliberal project to smash organized labor, atomize the working class and erode all of the hard won worker protections and benefits has been largely successful. a not insignificant amount of people are starting to realize theyve been bamboozled, but a large percentage of them have taken the wrong lessons from their immiseration and now shout about minorities and walls and wear stupid hats. the fact that even those that realize their precarity are fractured means we are probably doomed to a neofeudal hellworld of bullshit gigwork to scrape by

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maybe my ears are just tuned to after playing so much, but vinny clearly misses the spirit box response at 15:50

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saying the name of the ghost will provoke it. you dont want to do that until youve exhausted all other options for evidence gathering or you are trying to meet optional objectives like prevent a hunt with the crucifix. asking for a sign is a much better way to get evidence without angering it too much. also lurking around in the dark is bad for sanity, and the lower your sanity the greater chance the ghost will hunt you.

speaking of which, when your flashlight starts flicking on and off uncontrollably, you are being hunted. you need to hide in a room that is not the haunted ground zero, not say anything, turn off your light and look at the ground. that will give you the best chance of not being found and murdered.

the most efficient way to sweep a location is to start with thermometer, emf reader and flashlight. go from room to room asking for signs while checking temps and emf readings. if you notice a substantial temp drop or the emf goes to 2+, then youve found your room. at that point start brining in the other equipment to gather the rest of your evidence.

game is a bit obtuse but its a blast to play even with strangers. i hope we get at least one more video preferably with a full 4 person crew to bust them ghosts

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thankfully 90% of the whiny crybabies have checked out of the goty discussion so i dont have to scroll thru their sniveling about "format"

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Edited By xiphos480

@curryspiced: consuming food and drink on video has been a giant bomb thing since its inception. maybe this website just isnt for you mate

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in a shocking twist no one expected, dan continues to be a giant shitheel

@abczyx said:

Let's just repeat: it was a spicy potato chip. Nobody actually forced Abby, Alex or Patrick to eat the deep fried menace. If they really, genuinely didn't want to eat the tuberous terror

hi there friend. tortillas are made from corn, or maize if youre nasty. potatos are not involved at all. hope this helps, and sorry if it ruined your alliteration at the end there

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nice to see that destiny continues to be hot trash in the sequel. good job bungine

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Edited By xiphos480
@jgzilk said:

I really hope this game doesnt win game of the year. It is half finished and full of glitches. Like when they cant see houses. Not to mention people getting booted constantly, losing connection. They can forgive this game as a broken half-game mess, but not something like fallout 4, which is broken in a more beautiful and profound way. But also a billion times more content rich with more refined gameplay. This game is a flavor of the month. Breath of the Wild is a legit masterpiece. Just my humble opinion, of course.

weird how the flavor of the month has consistently and exponentially grown in popularity in the 6 months since its early access release, beating out dota2 for peak player population. but thats just my humble opinion i guess

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@iggnight: i started coughing i was laughing so hard. theyre so adorably bad at this game

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