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The Ken Experiment: Day 2

So in an attempt to keep this up, I think I'll get another short blog entry in, for a total of 2 days running so far.
Played some more Master League this morning, starting to get to a point where I can bring in players more easily, still no big names though and, crucially, no luck with Zarate. Still, it's only halfway through my first season in the Premier League, eh? After lunch I debated both going back into Street Fighter IV and finally starting Dante's Inferno. However, I thought it prudent till I go back to University for the latter, as having to explain naked demon boob/scythe babies/that tri-phallic monstrosity take on Cerberus to my parents is a task I'd rather not attempt.
In the end, something made me pick up FF XIII again and get on with the Hunts, and I'm glad it did because I'm loving them. Not sure so much about having to trek between them as much as you do, but I guess that gets less and less as you unlock more Cie'th Waystones. In the end, it was dinner followed by possibly my favourite night of the week for television that prevented me from finishing the last couple of C marks.
James Wong's "Grow Your Own Drugs" is nowhere near as exciting as it sounds, and actually involves a man boiling up various leaves and spices to make balms/jellies/pastes to help you feel better, but a great fun (and informative) slice of programming nonetheless, with some useful medicinal advice thrown in.
Sophie Dahl is acceptable but made fine background viewing for a brief foray into the world of the internet (some new kitten-oriented humour and a quick check to Giant Bomb there then), before Heston's Gothic Horror Feast, an amazing and wonderful programme in which the bald culinary maestro served up a blood risotto, deep-fried brain cubes, a faux spinal column, and caramel and chocolate graves with Marquis de Sade-inspired boobs in them.  And all that after getting his guests dizzy on a hefty Gin-laced "Dr Jekkyl Potion".
Anyway, I'm off back to Uni tomorrow, so I suspect the day will consist of DS gaming and possibly a few podcasts, but I shall try to post anyway. And hey, what do you know, that ended up a reasonable length after all. Still, should be a new Bombcast any moment now, which is a good thing as I have probably listened to the last 6 Bombcasts, last 8 TalkRadar UKs, and the most recent OPM UK and PSM3 podcasts several times over in the last few days. Not to mention the occasional Sarcastic Gamer PlayStation Podcast. Until tomorrow then.
Ken out.