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List of Shame

We all have those titles that we've started, but never managed to get around to finishing. Some of these are downright embarrassing.

List items

  • Beautiful game, but as I got it the same time I got inFamous, it kinda got pushed to the wayside.

  • This game became a bit of a slog and I just never mustered up the energy or interest to finish it.

  • Very interesting game, but it got left to the wayside when something new and shiny came along. Never got back to it.

  • One of my truest regrets from this list, I really should have finished this up. It's such a wonderful game and I hear the ending is worth it.

  • Having missed the Orange Box, I picked this up off of XBLA and loved it. Just haven't found the time away from the bigger titles to actually finish it.

  • Downloaded both this and Episode 2 and have still yet to even finish this one.

  • Bought this while I was in the UK, played through pretty religiously until I hit one part that had me stuck and just never, ever went back. Now it's still in the UK with my PAL PS2 in the safe-keeping of my yeah, probably never will get back to it.

  • Still haven't finished it.... *sigh* I did go on to play both Reach and Halo 4 so this is as good as dead I guess.

  • This was mostly due to the fact that I didn't own any system that could play this game until March 2008, by which time I had more than enough newer titles to keep me busy. I did play it for a bit on a friend's 360 in the UK, but a fat lot of good that's doing me (and my gamerscore) now! I did manage to get a dusty old copy from a friend who's 360 died. It's now sitting on my shelf...haunting me with it's vacant stares.

  • Got the DS version of this, and literally haven't made it past more than barely the opening cinematic.

  • Chalk this one up to getting caught up in player-made levels and then other games. The story mode is still very much incomplete.

  • Another one that just got left to the wayside about 2/3 of the way through the campaign. For shame.

  • Got this for Christmas last year, lent it to a buddy who proceeded to move his 360 with it in the drive and scratched it to all hell. So now I have to get a new copy to actually finish it.

  • I ended up missing this on the 360, but got it on PS3 and still have yet to get past the Medical Pavilion.

  • Once I managed to buy myself a 360 and PS3, I haven't really gone back to this game. For all the things I love about this game, it gets quite monotonous going up the same damn tower.

  • Got this for free on PS+. I do like the WH40K universe, but this again was the result of something newer and shinier coming along and taking my attention away.

  • How is this even here? I dunno. I didn't wanna use a guide and got stumped somewhere and just never got back to it. Blasphemous...I know. This one I need to correct and just go finish it.

  • Game crippling bug just kinda killed my desire on this one. Bummer.

  • Another freebie from PS+. Very interesting game, but again got left behind when something newer caught my eye.

  • I will finish this, I will! Started playing co-op with two buddies and one had a kid and the other's 360 died. The new father still wants to finish it and we will do so at some point!

  • I think this is where I realized I don't like Final Fantasy anymore. I looked at all my friends trophies and saw they all stopped at a certain chapter, thought to myself "What? This is just getting good! I won't stop there!" Sure enough...hit that same point and I was done. Just no desire at all to pick this up and finish it. FF, we had some good times, but I just don't think we're right for each other anymore.

  • Picked this up on a lark, but never really got much into it. I think I expected my nostalgia to be stronger than it actually was.

  • I thoroughly enjoyed this game for many, many hours...I just never finished the story.

  • I got this game for free from a Darksiders promo. It was pretty enjoyable, but I was playing it way after it came out and it couldn't hold my interest.

  • As much as I appreciated the batshit crazy nature of this game, I could never get super into it.