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The Promise and Peril of Duke Nukem's Revival.

As most of you may know, Gearbox Software and Triptych Games are finishing Duke Nukem Forever after 3D Realms proved itself incapable of doing so. With a capable developer behind the wheel, 2011 suddenly seems like a realistic possibility.

What people may have only learned recently is that Gearbox Software now owns the Duke Nukem IP. Randy Pitchford announced at PAX yesterday that they've bought the IP from 3D Realms for an undisclosed amount. With the IP now in the hands of a good developer, the future looks a hell of a lot brighter now for The King. Indeed, we might need to wear shades from here on out. Indeed, the divorce from Duke Nukem seems to be going along at a fast pace over at 3DR, as they've closed all their Duke Nukem forums and forbidden any future Duke Nukem discussion.

While Duke Nukem's future is finally secure and has a hell of a lot more potential than it ever had since DN3D, what of the past? Currently, one can get the Duke Nukem series games at Good Old Games and 3DRealms' store. However, with the transfer of the IP over to Gearbox, these sources of the legacy games are obviously in danger. It's almost a foregone conclusion that they'll be removed from the 3DR shop at some point, but what about Good Old Games? Will they be able to establish a new deal with Gearbox? Is Gearbox even interested in keeping their legacy titles alive? Or is the legacy of the Duke Nukem series doomed to fade into the abandonware abyss?

Hopefully Gearbox will do the right thing and keep Duke's past alive so future generations can experience those amazing games of yore.  These games are an important part of gaming's history, and they don't deserve to fade into obscurity.