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Games I Own but Have Never Played (or only for a very short time)

This is a list of game I purchased, but have never played. Some of them remain in the box waiting for me to open and install them.  Several of the games were in compatible with my computer, meaning that the game was too old to run on a new operating system.  Others I just didn't get around to playing.  A few I started and never got around to playing seriously and completing.

List items

  • This game wouldn't run on Windows XP, so I have never been able to play it. I am still hoping some one will make an conversion with updated graphics.

  • I remember all the hype about this game when it was being originally developed for the computer. Then microsoft bought it and made it X-box only (that alone infuriates me, but not as much as trying to play a FPS on a console). I bought the game when it eventually came out on PC, but have never gotten around to installing it.

  • I bought this just after I quit playing Star Wars Galaxies. I have always meant to go back and give it a try.

  • I played through the first mission or two, but the combat was lacking and I think I recall failing the mission for an odd and frustrating reason. Still I plan to go back and try this game one day. That they got all the original captains to do the voices for this game seems like it would make the game like watching an episode of the TV show (though it seems the crew is never shown in the game)

  • I loved the first two Unreal Tournament games (skipping over Unreal Real 2003), and bought this one expecting it to bring something more to the game. I didn't care for the new vehicles and only played it two or three times. Maybe I was missing something and should go back and give it another chance.

  • I purchased this game and played it once or twice, and it seemed really well done. This was the game I wanted Star Wars Rebellion and Empire At War to be. Still, I never ended up playing it even though I bought...

  • The sequel to Homeworld, which I also bought and never played. The game got such good reviews and looked quite good, but I never got around to playing it.

  • I bought this game, since I love space sims and Bruce Campbell. I played though the first mission or two, but some how never got back to it.

  • I played nearly every other LucasArts Adventure game, and I wanted to play them all, so I bought this game, but never even installed it. The theme of the game never really appealed to be, but I assume this game would be great as well by never got the motivation to play it.

  • I actually never owned this game, but played it on my friends balck and white Mac. He could never get past the first challenge, but I worked my way about half way through the game before getting stuck (IIRC if you misplay your encounters with ghosts, you die and have to start over, making it a bit frustrating)

  • I enjoyed Thief 1 and 3, but some how skipped over playing Thief 2, even though I am pretty sure I have a copy of it lying around somewhere.

  • I bought this game after playing the demo and always meant to play it. The atmosphere is exactly the type that I like. I did play the new version, but some of it was frustratingly hard.