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3.1 stars

Average score of 163 user reviews

Dark Alliance II is a bland unoriginal dungeon hack. 0

Ok, this is basically the same game as the original, with little to no improvements. The only actual improvements I can thing of are the graphics, but it's such a small improvement that it doesn't matter. The world map is slightly better aswell.. but that's all I can thing of. This game falls into the same repetitive mess of a trap that all dungeon hacks fall into. It has a terrible story, cheap graphics, boring combat and an insulting level designs. ----------Battle System---------- Dark Allia...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance was a short and repetitive RPG. 0

Badlur's Gate: Dark Alliance was an ok game, but it got repetitive really quick and it was extremely short. The story was lame, the world map was lame, and there was a bunch of other things that annoyed me. The Gamespot review of this game bugged me because I didn't suffer through any framerate problems, but I only played it on normal on single player, so things might be different in a harder mode. Other than that, I would suggest the X-Men Legend series for a better beat-em up, dungeon crawling...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Amazing Island is a mix of Pokemon and Mario Party with bad resul 0

I had very very low expectations with this game, I only paid $5 for it and only read bad reviews. The game was actually alot worse than my low expectations. I was hoping I would be surprised with a good story or a fun minigame or two, nope. None of those came true. The only good thing about this is the monster building thing, but it's slow and boring and I hate creating my own characters in games. The minigames were repetitive and most of them hurt my hand afterwards. The boss fights where all...

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