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3.7 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

Clawing dudes is fun, bub. 3

You know what gameplay mechanic I hate? Quck time events (QTE). The ones where they flash a series of buttons on the screen and you have less than a second to press each one, or you have to mash one button inhumanly fast. I've been playing video games for 15 years and I'm still completely unable to do these things. Maybe I'm defective; whatever, my point is they ruin games for me. God of War was one of the worst offenders, where practically every other enemy required severe button-mashing and ev...

8 out of 10 found this review helpful.

Perspective from a simple minded person. 0

This game is very colorful and there are many exploding things.  There's a lot of visual stimulus going on at all times.  It's very pleasurable, even when the gameplay is frustratingly hard.  I'm not very good at these types of games, and I don't think they're very fun.I want to compare it with the PSN games I've been playing lately.  Stuff like Echochrome, PixelJunk Eden, fl0w.  Those games are trying to be art, and I appreciate them for that.  But really they kind of give me a headache and the...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Is it a good game? 0

The art design of this game is exquisite, and the gameplay is unique.  I appreciate what I think they were trying to do here.I enjoyed the first two or three gardens, once I got the hang of the gameplay mechanics, they were easy enough to be almost relaxing.  But as the difficulty ramped up, all I was left with was frustration and a headache.  In the interest of full disclosure, I never made it to gardens 9 and 10.If I can just put on my armchair-game-designer hat for a minute, I think perhaps w...

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