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The point here is not to tick anyone off, and in case my post reads as such and I have ticked someone off, my apologies. I get that sometimes things slide through the cracks, and no-one is perfect and mistakes happen etc. and in no way do I mean to be obtuse about this - I'm at the same time trying to understand how this site works as well as reporting things that I see as having been made mistakenly.

What I'm calling out for is that a) these policies are clearly communicated, whether in site rules, or random posts about these things, and b) that those policies are the same for all games. If different games have different rules, it's a bit problematic. Also, this thread is about changing game names to correct ones, so I'm suggesting then to change the RUiN to to a proper name, as per your naming rules: You don't want stylized caps in game names, fine, then let's extend that rule to all games. This thread IS about fixing mistakes, right?

And in case it just so happens, that it's okay to have a name stylized as RUiN, then I ask to change the name of the Status: Insane to STATUS: INSANE, as stylized caps are allowed? It's not so much about the stylization of caps anymore, but the fact that if different games have different rules, we slide a bit towards anarchy and ruling becomes arbitrary. What's the value of the site then?

Also, to be clear, my biggest problem is the name being wrong on Twitch, I don't really care what's it written as in GiantBomb. But Twitch takes game names from here, so... Although apparently there is some way to change the name on Twitch's side, but no-one knows about it and seems to be reserved to more popular games. :/

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#2  Edited By ZodiacMentor

@marino Oh, okay. A bit disappointing. It is at the same both a weird policy, as well as completely understandable.

Yeah the broken link is really weird, it seems everything starting with ends up showing that page. So for some reason the keyword 'status' is restricted, but still used when creating the wiki-page.

EDIT: My motivation behind the stylized caps is that as that is how the developers want the game name to be written, and the stylized caps are used nearly everywhere (and definitely everywhere official). I occasionally stream STATUS: INSANE speedruns and races, and it rubs me the wrong way when I see the game name wrong. As far as I know, Twitch uses GiantBomb as their game database - thus the capitalization request. However, I noticed something strange: Twitch is showing PUBG as PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS'S%20BATTLEGROUNDS but the game page here is written as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Now, I know this isn't a Twitch -support page or anything, but maybe you'll have some idea of how to go about fixing that? Writing in the game page that "(stylized as STATUS: INSANE)" or something like that? Because I can't really understand where the name is coming from.

EDIT2: Also, I thought you didn't do stylized caps for game names? (EDIT: Not meant in anyway as a snide remark, and not meant to tick off anyone, sorry about that - I'm just confused, you know - I don't understand the site at all o_O)

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#4  Edited By ZodiacMentor