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Great to be alive!

Hi all!  I'm a n00b, but I'm glad to be a user at GB!  I've heard nothing but good things about this site, so I decided, "hey, why not check it out?"  So, here I am!
In other news, it's during these times of the year, the holidays, when I feel the most grateful for everything God has given me.  Salvation, for one, eternal life, another, as well as a myriad of other benefits and blessings.  It's great to be living in the USA, and I want to take this opportunity to say that I do not want to take liberty for granted.  i live in peace and safety today at the expense of the lives of our US veterans.  If anyone here has served in any US war, i salute you.  It's great to be alive here in America!
Have a safe New Year, and God Bless.