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    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Dec 08, 2011

    Pushmo is a stylized push and pull block puzzle game developed by Intelligent Systems for the eShop on the 3DS.

    linkforever1's Pushmo (Nintendo 3DS eShop) review

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    Pushmo Review Short

    Pushmo Review Short

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    As a fan of this wonderful little downloadable eShop title, I was disappointed that it was overlooked by most reviewers. It's a clever little game that is not only fun but incredibly challenging. So I will attempt to do it some justice here with my first ever 'review short' for the Nintendo 3ds eshop title: Pushmo.

    You play as a plump, squat, and adorable little character. There is very little information as far as the story goes aside from that you are saving these little children that are are stuck in blocks after the local brat has pushed them inside. Your job? To make it to the top of the structures by pushing and pulling blocks until you can jump up to free them and hold the dear little things in your arms!

    The is part platformer, part puzzle. But more-so about solving puzzles; you will learn the ups and downs of platforming after a short time. The puzzles however, just keep evolving. Some are simple brain teasers, with little complexity while later puzzles are colossal murals that will have you scratching your head. Meanwhile you'll be gazing in awe at the simple yet eye-popping graphics. Due not only to the 3D but to the bright color palette and pixel-esque designs of old favorite characters. You shouldn't be too surprised either if you find yourself whistling along to the games simple but catchy songs.

    The Basics:

    What's it worth?

    The full price of admission. For 7 dollars the game is a incredible value. It has over 250 stages of ingenious little puzzles. Some will take you less than 30 seconds while others might take you 15 minutes or more depending on your abilities. Plus it has a level creator and QR codes. With the QR codes you can download as many puzzles as you can find on the internet by simply scanning them with the 3ds camera. I tried it out, it works great and is SUPER easy!

    How addictive is it?

    Very. Once you beat a puzzle you are just itching to see what awaits next. So you tell your brain, oh I'll just have a peek and then turn off the system. You then see the puzzle and proceed to solving it, completely forgetting about wanting to take a break! The cycle repeats.

    What if I'm an ADD gamer?

    A sure-fire hit. Pure gamplay from start to finish that is incredibly addicting.

    Rating: 5/5

    Pushmo is one of the best downloadable games I have ever played.

    Other reviews for Pushmo (Nintendo 3DS eShop)

      Frustrating, clever, entertaining, and addictive! 0

      Pushmo is one of the most frustrating, clever, entertaining, and addictive puzzle games that I have ever played. I’ve been discouraged lately, because of the number of uncanny IPhone games that people consider to be considered great that I’ve played, though there are only a few exceptions like the overrated (yet great) Angry Birds and a few others. Nintendo has something to be proud of with their Pushmo game (or app, if you want to call it that), though it may not be $0.99. Thing is, Nintendo an...

      3 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      Simple and brilliantly designed, Pushmo offers tremendous value. 0

      Have you ever played a game that's so simple in its design, yet it's brilliant and original? That's exactly what Pushmo is. Pushmo is an eShop puzzle game by Intelligent Systems, makers of the fine Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, and Paper Mario series, among other titles. In the game, you're tasked with rescuing little children from a set of blocks called Pushmo. The Pushmo appear as flat objects, but they are in fact 3D shapes; by pulling out these shapes, you create platforms that assist you in re...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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