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    Quantum Theory

    Game » consists of 8 releases. Released Sep 28, 2010

    Take on a living alien tower that shifts and mutates around you, and the hordes of hostile creatures that dwell within, in this infamous Japanese clone of Gears of War.

    jediiknight's Quantum Theory (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for jediiknight

    A lot of hate for this little game..

    Ok so I came into Quantum theory expecting very little from it...I mean come on we all herd the basic tag line for this game, "Japanese Gears of War" once I herd this I sighed. Let me get this point across, I bought this when it was only 20 dollars because I don't recommend getting this at full price. Now thats out of the way I can continue.... 
    First off the concept of the game is pretty much a gears clone which to me is not necessarily a bad thing because gears was awesome. I was worried about the game concept itself at first but I decided I would give it a chance. It is really not that bad it plays very similar to gears so if you have played Epic's title than you will find some familiarity here, with the running, cover, shooting and even reloading being almost exactly like gears, just a little more stiff. So basically to sump this areas up you run from point A to point B killing enemies along they way be taking cover and shooting them, along with using melee if you really want to, and as this goes on the story unfolds.  
    The game is graphically under whelming...most people say it is terrible but I do not think it to be so. Textures are kinda crappy and I did notice some pop in so here the games score takes some hits .  Overall the graphics and textures are not the best by any means but also certainly not the seems to me to be a launch era xbox 360 title, graphically, if that makes sense. Its passible but it could of been ALOT better.  
    The gameplay is a stiffer harder to play gears which surprisingly did not bother me, again it could've been better but I didn't see too many problems with how it worked. You go from cover to cover by holding the analog stick in a direction and pressing "a" making the character move to the cover in that direction. You can pop out to shoot using the left and right triggers, like gears again, and you switch weapons using the d-pad (gears). bottom line here is that it plays like a water down stiff gears of war which people will find not too difficult to play because of how familiar it will be for any gears fan.  
    The story is in no way the best thing about this game. You play syd (i think that is how that is spelt..) just syd, a gruff giant man demon guy :P who's main purpose in life seems to be to destroy these demonic towers plaguing the earth with its army of creatures. You need to kill them all and save the world...thats pretty much it in this department, again the game loses another star because of this.  
    Now the sound and voice overs are definitely cheesy and will not be the best thing about the game to most people, but it is here that a gamer can find a sort of unintentional humour, I know I did. This really to me made the experience much more enjoyable just hearing the english voices made me laugh at times but it wasn't at the game it was with it, because of the fun I was still having while going through the story. The guns also sound good as well, they obviously aren't supposed to mirror real life weaponry so they have their own sounds for different guns which I found to be cool. So instead of listing to some real life recording of real weapons it was something different. Bottom line the game has cheesy but awesome voice overs and original explosive weapon sounds.   
    To wrap this up Quantum theory has been getting a lot of hate that it does not deserve. It is a fun little gears clone that plays almost similar to gears, with sub par but not terrible graphics, a plain story, and amazingly cheesy voice overs and sound effects.  This game loses two stars for the story and graphics, the graphics area, again, was not terrible but could've been better but the story itself was plain and really did not go anywhere. In the end pick this up if you enjoyed gears, but do not expect "gears of war quality" here because you will be disappointed, if you like cheesy dialogue, and can find it for a price of 20 or less. This game is not as bad as everyone says it is but it is also not a great game as well. 


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