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    Resident Evil: Deadly Silence

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Feb 07, 2006

    Deadly Silence is a Nintendo DS remake of the original Resident Evil that appeared on the Sony PlayStation. The game adds touch screen and microphone mechanics that can be used throughout the game.

    yummylee's Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (Nintendo DS) review

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    • yummylee has written a total of 92 reviews. The last one was for Mario Paint
    • This review received 19 comments

    *Insert dumb as rocks Barry Burton quote here*

    If there's one constant throughout all of Resident Evil, it's that Hunters will mess you up real good.
    If there's one constant throughout all of Resident Evil, it's that Hunters will mess you up real good.

    The original Resident Evil has certainly seen quite its share of re-releases over the years, some more drastic than others. The 2002 remake I'm sure is the one that most look fondly untowards, and for good reason. Yet despite it being released 4 years after and keeping things centred around the very original, Deadly Silence is still what I consider a standout for the number of improvements and alterations it has made all the same, thanks to an all manner of quirky little touchscreen and microphone-related tomfoolery.

    Even if you've never played a Resident Evil game before you're likely already aware of what this game entails regardless via osmosis. Spooky mansion, Master of Unlocking, camera angles, tank controls, sandwich enthusiasts -- you know the drill... Or do you?! While Resident Evil: DS includes a ''Classic'' mode that is (mostly) untouched, what you're likely coming to this game for is its Rebirth mode. It follows the same story and all of its classic 'hallmarks', but also includes many new features that take advantage of the DS' functionalities, while at the same time remixing certain aspects like enemy placements to leave veterans guessing.

    Many of the DS' unique features have put the touchscreen and microphone to clever use, introducing a whole host of new puzzles. Some of which are more gimmicky than others, such as one that simply requires you to turn a valve with the use of your stylus to stop a flow of poisonous water. Though such puzzles involving you attempting to give mouth-to-mouth to a dying teammate via the microphone I thought was especially silly, but still inventive. Another that has you picking up different gems and trying to even out the weight on a pair of scales was also a fun little noggin scratcher. There are a number of new puzzles that don't solely rely on touchscreen magic at that, and while Resident Evil still had a decent variety of brain tinkers to begin with, this new selection all manage to work themselves in surprisingly naturally.

    The other most notable addition is of the first-person knife slashing things. They will occur sporadically (though are still ultimately scripted) throughout the game and force you to use the touchscreen to make swiping motions to control your knife. They're... OK. I certainly could have done without them as the touchscreen controls would sometimes feel like they weren't intuitive enough to handle the harder challenges, such as one that pits you against the infamous snake boss 'Yawn'. Though they could prove to be fun at times, but... eh, I just wish there was an option to turn them off quite frankly. Should you disagree, there is at least an unlockable mode for those that would like to engage in a little more stylus slashin'.

    The amount of new creative, touchscreen-related puzzles to be found is more than welcome.
    The amount of new creative, touchscreen-related puzzles to be found is more than welcome.

    Even besides all the added touchscreen stuff, there are a number of new jump scare moments that may still catch series veterans off-guard. Enemy placement remixes are also a-plenty, which even includes instances of facing against different types of enemies within the same area. That may not sound like much to a Resident Evil layman, but trust me, that's kind of a big deal! Certain elements of the Director's Cut's Advanced Mode have also been included too for that matter. By and large, Deadly Silence's Rebirth mode is just different enough that it left me excited at every turn to discover what else had been tweaked.

    While this may still be a PS1 game, I quite honestly think it still looks great. The backgrounds don't hold nearly as much detail as the remake of course, but the character and enemy models at least have been spruced up some to make them look and animate a little less robotically. Certain character designs like Albert Wesker have even been retconned to reflect his look from the remake at that, which is (if you'll pardon the pun) a nice touch... The soundtrack too still manages to evoke a moody and unsettling atmosphere to boot, especially when played while wearing headphones.

    Certain mechanical upgrades have been implemented as well, to take into account the improvements made across the series throughout the years. The famed 180 degree turn has been added (OH BABY YES), you can now reload your weapon prematurely before you run out of ammo, and your knife is now a permanent fixture of your character. No longer willing to put up with you heading to the nearest item box to dump it away and forget it even exists, your knife can now be brought out at any time simply by holding the L button. It doesn't take up any space in your inventory either and basically functions exactly like the knife from Resident Evil 4. While it's still ultimately a last resort, having it available at all times as apart of the core controls is a handy way to go about at least letting you have the option. It's the sort of mechanic I sorely wish Resident Evil 2 and 3 could be treated to. Maybe one day...

    Additional technical improvements like allowing you to skip through not only cutscenes but even the door animations of you travelling between areas can give the game a surprising haste if you want it to. And because of the DS' (or 3DS' in my case) handy dual-screen setup, this allows the game to permanently keep the map fixated up top, while it even tracks your movements. It can even note your health at that, and when your status drops it will then begin flashing the colour to give a clear visualisation of your character's current state. I suppose it was easier than having to create new animations to reflect your character's health instead? Regardless, it works well in keeping you clued in as to how fast your character is approaching death. It's worth noting that many of these such improvements persist throughout both its Rebirth and Classic modes at that.

    The dual-screen setup helps you keep track of your health much more efficiently than in the original
    The dual-screen setup helps you keep track of your health much more efficiently than in the original

    If there is one downside to this version, it's that it's... a little easy. And I don't even mean because of my own experience, but rather how actual enemies and bosses die much quicker than they do in other versions. Jill Valentine's Rebirth playthrough in particular just outright hands you about 80 handgun bullets and 40 shotgun shells once you locate an item box. Once you know where to look the game by default has more than enough ammo for you to be able to hold your own throughout, so for the game to then also dump even more additional ammunition on your lap like that doesn't sit very well with me, no siree.

    Also, there's Jill's new costume they designed strictly for this version of the game... It's easy to ignore, but at the same time this almost kinda sullies the way the very original treated its characters of both genders. Jill wasn't (at the time) portrayed as a piece of boobiful eye candy and I found it disappointing to see them sink to such a level with this 'un. Plus, I'm not the sort of person that can get off to PS1-grade cleavage anywhoo.

    Despite some minor misgivings here and there, I have enjoyed my time reliving such memories all over again across four playthroughs -- one for each character per mode. The Rebirth mode helped add a little unexpected spice after all these years, and the improved technical and gameplay properties have made this version of the game the most accessible venue to witness the horror (and the hilarity) for anyone who's itching to have a taste of where it all began.

    Note: The game also features this strange cooperative multiplayer mode in there too. However because it's Multi-Card only, I have thus far been unable to try it out for myself unfortunately. Which is all the more disappointing considering it allows you to play as close to all of the STARS members. Yes, yes including yours truly...


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    I was not even aware this game existed.

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    @steadying: You're welcome ;P Though considering this is a re-release of the very original Resident Evil, is exclusive to the DS, and not to mention was released in a post-Resident Evil 4 world, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that you're far from alone.

    Thanks for the recommendation.

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    It's been a couple of years, but I don't remember loving some of the rebirth mode's more gimmicky puzzles or the knife minigame. Although, the game is certainly a different experience when you are never lacking for ammo and there are like twice as many enemies hanging around.

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    @arbitrarywater: I'd say I enjoyed practically all of the new touchscreen puzzles -- they were at their worst a minor distraction. But yeah, the stylus knife fights... not so much. Once you nail down the timing for critical hits you can get them over with easily enough, but man... that Yawn boss fight took me about 8 attempts to beat the fucker =/

    Also, yeah, it's crazy how easy the first third of the game is in Rebirth mode... You can just go about, frollicking around shooting at practically everything you encounter. It does totally get to be a challenge again once the Hunters show, just because of how many more Hunters they throw at you. Least with Chris anywhoo; Jill's playthrough has always been too damn easy regardless of the mode, even in the Director's Cut version. That bazooka changes up the entire dynamic of the game, so much so that whenever I now play Jill's version I purposely choose to not use it.

    When it comes time to play the HD REmake at that, I'll likely start off by playing it on Normal mode with Chris, then Hard mode with Jill to even things out a little.

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    Edited By pr1mus

    Does the game use the original soundtrack or the abomination of a soundtrack they put in the dualshock edition?

    I've been wanting to replay this game for a while but i refuse to buy the dualshock edition for this reason and its the only one they have on PSN and i have long ago sold my original PS1 copy...

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    Great review, as always.

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    Edited By Yummylee

    @pr1mus: The original. Although certain themes have been mixed around, even in the ''Classic'' mode. Like for example when you solve the painting puzzle in that room with the crows, the projector slides theme plays instead of its original theme for... whatever reason. There's also other minor differences like how Yawn doesn't do the breathy ''HI'' sound anymore. It's no big deal for the most part, though what does suck is how when you return to the Mansion with the Hunters populating it, the mansion themes don't 'update' anymore either and it sticks to the original music.

    Don't know why they'd make such needless alterations like that, and it's why I wouldn't perhaps consider this the absolute best version of the game, if still a good 'un. I haven't played 'em all, but Director's Cut is still undoubtedly in the running -- barring the remake of course.

    EDIT: Also, if you by chance have the same version going on PSN as we do in Europe, then that's not the dualshock version but just the regular Director's Cut version.

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    Edited By beargirl1

    As a side note to that Jill's costume thingy, she doesn't appreciate it very much when you touch her with the bottom screen. Creepy.

    Fun fact: this was the first Resident Evil game that I actually purchased and finished. I used a walkthrough... and I may have used an Action Replay, but I suppose that says something if the game was still pretty spooky and challenging. It certainly spoiled me with the ability to skip cutscenes and doors, though I wasn't really a fan of the gimmicky DS stuff all that much with an exception to that knifing minigame. Shame on you for not enjoying killing a huge-ass snake with a fucking knife. I remember the part where you hafta give mouth-to-mouth to Richard being pretty tense with the DS microphone as well.

    I had always hoped that they would bring Resident Evil 2 to the DS, but it's just as good that I can play that on my Vita now. If only I didn't lose my copy of this game during the first days of high school. Part of me remembers that this game might be kind of rare now? At least I still have that pretty cool looking box...

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    @ajayraz said:

    As a side note to that Jill's costume thingy, she doesn't appreciate it very much when you touch her with the bottom screen. Creepy.

    Fun fact: this was the first Resident Evil game that I actually purchased and finished. I used a walkthrough... and I may have used an Action Replay, but I suppose that says something if the game was still pretty spooky and challenging. It certainly spoiled me with the ability to skip cutscenes and doors, though I wasn't really a fan of the gimmicky DS stuff all that much with an exception to that knifing minigame. Shame on you for not enjoying killing a huge-ass snake with a fucking knife. I remember the part where you hafta give mouth-to-mouth to Richard being pretty tense with the DS microphone as well.

    I had always hoped that they would bring Resident Evil 2 to the DS, but it's just as good that I can play that on my Vita now. If only I didn't lose my copy of this game during the first days of high school. Part of me remembers that this game might be kind of rare now? At least I still have that pretty cool looking box...


    God... fucking damnit, Capcom. What's weird is how after some 'investigation' it seems that it even persists in Classic mode, too. Plus, while you can also ''poke'' Chris it seems, his interaction is with is hair, whereas Jill's is of course... a little lower >_>


    I'm actually surprised to find that I'm... offended by it?? I guess it's because of my attachment to this game of course, and how the very original Resident Evil never dallied with any of that stuff. It was only until RE3 that Jill started getting all sexy and the like. Though with that said I should add that I've actually always liked her default RE3 attire and thought she looks cool in it.

    Also, I am genuinely surprised to hear this was your first Resident Evil game! Or at least the one you bought and finished. In all honesty I would have pegged maybe RE4 as your gateway RE :P I too would love for RE2 and RE3 to receive a similar such treatment to this as well. Y'know, not really a full-on remake, but a port that would sprinkle in some new elements here and there. RE2 with 180 degree turn = HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG.

    I too unfortunately don't own a physical copy of the first Resident Evil anymore I'm sad to say... The only physical copy I have of RE2 & 3 at that are their Gamecube versions weirdly enough! Which are also pretty rare I'm to believe at this point. I've lost so many damn games over the years...


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    @yummylee said:

    @theacidskull: Thanks! And... as always? :o

    I've read your Silent Hills, Dead Space and resident Evil reviews out of interest (I wanted to know whether they were worth playing or not). All extremely well written, and quite educational for someone who has recently gotten into discussing games. So yes, as always :)

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    @yummylee said:

    @theacidskull: Thanks! And... as always? :o

    I've read your Silent Hills, Dead Space and resident Evil reviews out of interest (I wanted to know whether they were worth playing or not). All extremely well written, and quite educational for someone who has recently gotten into discussing games. So yes, as always :)

    Oh no... some of those I believe I merely copy-pasted from my Gamespot days >_> I would never classify myself as an exceptional writer or anything, but I've certainly improved since that time in my life to say the least. I've gone around outright deleting most of 'em in fact they're just so embarrassing to read nowadays. Still, I appreciate the compliment all the same.

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    @yummylee: I never thought much of the touchy-touchy thing at the time, though in retrospect, it does seem real out of place. That Jill costume is something I don't remember, probably because I did only play through that game once. I'm legitimately surprised to see that. I figure that would be some kinda Team NINJA move, frankly.

    My history with Resident Evil goes back pretty far in my life. One of my relatives had RE1 through 3, and while I always wanted to play them, I never did because they looked too scary. The one time I did try playing Nemesis though, I kept dying at the very beginning because I had no idea how to do anything. It's crazy how lifelike and scary that game looked when I was younger. As someone who just kinda played Mega Man X5 and GTA2 all the time, I never saw anything like that. The first Resident Evil game in my household was Outbreak, which my brother sold before I had a chance to play it because it scared him too much + he hated how it played. That intro is still fuckin' haunting, man.

    After I ended up losing this game, I fell back in love with the series when I played Resident Evil 4. Goodness, you should have how jumpy I was during the opening village encounter. I don't think a game has gotten me as excited since that. Maybe Bingo is pretty good...

    I'm very much alive (if you can call it that)! I just kinda hide in the shadows now and occasionally comment on videos.

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    @yummylee said:

    @theacidskull said:

    @yummylee said:

    @theacidskull: Thanks! And... as always? :o

    I've read your Silent Hills, Dead Space and resident Evil reviews out of interest (I wanted to know whether they were worth playing or not). All extremely well written, and quite educational for someone who has recently gotten into discussing games. So yes, as always :)

    Oh no... some of those I believe I merely copy-pasted from my Gamespot days >_> I would never classify myself as an exceptional writer or anything, but I've certainly improved since that time in my life to say the least. I've gone around outright deleting most of 'em in fact they're just so embarrassing to read nowadays. Still, I appreciate the compliment all the same.

    Well, for me, not every written review has to be an elegantly written masterpiece. You're reviews showed a much more personal side while still maintaining the much needed critical aspects, which I very much appreciated, because for a change it was less " Such flaws" and more "I just had a good/bad time and here's why." In fact, i'd go far as to say that some of your reviews has sparked my recent and huge interest in the horror genre( in gaming that is, I love me some monsters :P.).

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    Edited By pr1mus

    @yummylee: Well that sounds good enough for me. Anything other than the dualshock edition soundtrack is ok.

    Also i knew about the EU PSN having the regular director's cut. The NA store has the dualshock version for whatever reason. I wouldn't go as far as going through the troubles of making a EU account for just one game though. It's not RE2 were talking about...

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    Edited By Yummylee

    @ajayraz: It's not like the series isn't above rewarding you with dressing up their female characters in scantily clad outfits of course (and in some cases even the men!) But... this is Resident Evil (as in the first one I mean), and as you said it just seems so out of place. Plus that the sexualisation is geared exclusively towards Jill makes it all the more egregious. Maybe if Chris too had a silly, sexually provocative outfit available, but no he has a... Ninja outfit... ??

    My God, that's two for two! Those bastards!

    Also, yes, the opening to Outbreak is phenomenal. Shame the game itself doesn't quite match its heights; sort of akin to a Dead Island scenario where a related CG movie is good enough to stand on its own!

    And how come you're not so active on GB anymore? There was a time where you were one of the most prolific posters!

    @theacidskull: I see, fair enough then. And thanks again.

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    This is the only version of this game that I have actually played.

    That is all.

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    Edited By Yummylee

    @mooseymcman: OK.

    Also, I may have accidentally flagged you... Sorry. Doesn't even make sense as to how that can happen given you're a mod now.

    Why did you play this in the first place and was this after you had already played RE4? Was it just to check out the older games to see if they were for you? To which they evidently aren't it seems.

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    @yummylee: I played this version because I never had a PS1 or PS2, so it ended up being the first chance I had to play it. I don't really remember the timeline, but I got it around the time it came out, so if it was post RE4, then I played it post RE4. Around the same time I went and found a copy of RE2 on N64 to give that a shot.

    I never finished Deadly Silence, but I got almost all of the way into it. I think I also played it on easy, though. As an adventure game, I don't remember hating it, actually, it was the combat that put me off.

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