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Game Mess Mornings 07/12/23

Grubb is joined by Lucy to breakdown today's gaming headlines! We cover stories like the FTC running it back with Microsoft, Naughty Dog's president stepping down, and more!

News expert Jeff Grubb is here to dish out all of the hottest news!

Jul. 12 2023

Posted by: Jan


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I find it kinda funny Lucy cant get through a long action movie like Mission Impossible. But she can sit through the extended versions of the LOTR Trilogy. Honestly couldn't disagree more though. Long action movies are great. John Wick, Mission Impossible, and Top Gun were all amazing. I also don't watch the Fast movies so maybe that's why I'm not burnt out.

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Haven't seen the new MI movie, but I feel the last 3 were basically all the same movie with slightly different stunts. Still very solid action movies though.

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Action movies go to too many different cities that we don't even pay attention to, to have adventures that rarely lead to anything more than a reason to go to another city. They have fights up stairs with a "ticking clock" that we know the protagonist will make it up, even if they get thrown back down and have to fight pointlessly up the stairs that we already knew they would make it up, just to add time, but no suspense. Most current action movies feel like games, but if I'm not controlling anything it all just seems pointless. Nobody is the best action I've seen in a while, no pointless international travel, not too long.

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I do not understand how anyone can enjoy the Fast franchise, and be tired of the MI franchise. It's a much more impressive franchise that it so much less fake and silly, and every one of them has impressive practical stunts/effects.

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I have a Mission: Impossible of my own - after a super busy month I have to catch up on all the GB stuff, so GMM 7/11 is getting watched on 8/15. Gonna be a lot to get through!

To the show discussion, Nintendo is conspirator #1 of the list of organizations that have made me be anti-piracy to super pro-piracy in videogames. I can't imagine the Venn diagram of people who would want to play original Super Mario RPG that would also not be interested in purchasing the remake.

Speaking of Internet Archive, thanks to that I have a copy of three very old, very good movies: "Call Northside 777", "The Snake Pit" and "Destination: Moon" - all from the late 40's early 50's that I wanted to give a company money so I can own a copy, but no one sells (at least not in the region I need for my Blu-Ray). An absolutely ridiculous reality that we may lose it...