
Giant Bombcast 01-26-2010

We prove our love of talking about Star Trek Online and Mass Effect 2, while also touching on Bad Company 2, Spec Ops, Tony Hawk's next RIDE, and more. We also answer the question, “who in this picture's the duck, and who's wearing the powdered wig?"

The Giant Bombcast is the world's most beloved video game podcast, and now it's available in video form.

Jan. 26 2010

Posted by: Ryan


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Edited By Eli

Mark Meer, the voice of the male Commander Shepard, is in fact a Canadian actor.

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Edited By AndrooD2

Mass Effect 2 Importing character clarification: You guys will be happy to know that importing my Level 60 character was awesome. I got a ton of credits, a big Paragon/Renegade bonus, plus i was able to start the game at level 5. Was it worth the 70 hours of playing ME1? Yes!

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Edited By pikminpapercut

I'm the beard guy! 
...DON'T TOUCH IT......   it' mine

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Edited By subject2change

55:01 ends their ME2 discussion. I randomly found that after skipping through it. Didn't see it noted by anyone else...so ya. Enjoy.

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Edited By FireSketch
@jim_dandy: WUT? The Bombers rule, yo.
And nice podcast this week guys ^-^
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Edited By Dustpan
@Subject2Change said:
" 55:01 ends their ME2 discussion. I randomly found that after skipping through it. Didn't see it noted by anyone else...so ya. Enjoy. "
Wrong. At 1:14:00 Brad talks about he Cerberus Network.
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Edited By squidracerx

Awwww guys really!? That guy that shot down the helicopter shot his little 4 year old niece... and 3 teenagers. Thats 4 kids murdered in your joke...  thats fucking sick, you really shouldn't even joke about that, he killed 7 of his own family members, then shot at the cops..... And he didn't crash the copter, he hit the gas tank and it leaked, so they had to go back and land, it wasn't some 50 cent explosion spectacle. Lame. Anyway he killed a 4 year old kid, bad taste gentlemen.....

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Edited By squidracerx
@Shiro_Shishi said:
" Did people ever tell how kick ass the opening and closing song is?  Because it is incredibly awesome. "
i bet jeff does them, he is a part time musician!
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Edited By commiesalami

I'll be waiting for a Never forget Tony hawk shirt from you guys  

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Edited By Skillface

I bet Ryan gets hate mail from pronouncing the shui in feng shui as " shooey".

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Edited By theswoosh

"HEY WHAT'S UP RYAN DAVIS!!!!"  hahahaha

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Edited By Fei

Figure it out, hippies!

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Edited By IceTrey87

Man, I'm surprised you guys bashing Star Wars like that.  I'm much more of a fan of Star Wars than Star Trek, although ST online did look pretty fun.  I think the ground combat in Old Republic is gonna be way better and I mean..... BioWare.

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Edited By Juvarial
You either laugh, or don't listen.  
Fuck people get butt hurt too easily 
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator

I really laughed at the Tester stuff but the WiiWare/DSi releases were the funniest part this week. Great podcast guys.

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Edited By ToadRunner

you guys shouldnt joke about the helicopter, several people died. "im all for shooting down helicopters to prove how weak they are! even if 4 year olds die!" jerks.

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Edited By admordem

Wow, when i listened to this, that joke didnt bother me at all. Its a bit out there, and I doubt the family would find it funny. But humans have been dealing with tragedy by way of comedy for centuries, get over it.

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Edited By RVonE
@AdMordem said:
"Wow, when i listened to this, that joke didnt bother me at all. Its a bit out there, and I doubt the family would find it funny. But humans have been dealing with tragedy by way of comedy for centuries, get over it. "

Exactly. Also, they hardly even joke about it at all. Jeff even found a way to put in a disclaimer ("if there's no loss of life...").
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Edited By Akeldama
@Abyssfull said:
" Death to team killers! "
dude yes! Im Tanner Wolff! 
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Edited By Venatio

Great podcast as always but I just wanna say, I prefer Star Wars over Star Trek  
Also, I like all the Star Wars movies and yes that includes the prequels, I really liked the prequels and I can't understand why everyone seems to hate them

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Ryan kinda looks like Baku from FF9.

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Edited By razzwp

mark meer (voices shepard) is canadian

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Edited By admordem
@squidracerX: Someone needs a hug!
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Edited By RoadCrewWorker

Time to start the countdown to the next cast yet? Are the recordings usually uploaded at a certain time?

@squidracerX said:

*wall of text*

For your own sake i hope you never venture further into the internet. If a tasteless throwaway black humor joke drives your blood pressure up like that you might not survive it.

Which - for the record - would be sad. Unless of course you were piloting a helicopter at the time!

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Edited By Skillface
@squidracerX:  Telling the users that "I hope something bad happens to your family someday" isn't really helping your argument here.  In fact, it just makes you look like a bigger douchebag than the users who posted.
Also, they "live under a rock" if they haven't heard about it? I hadn't heard about it before the bombcast. Nobody I know has heard about it. I think you're just throwing that in for argument's sake.
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Edited By RVonE
@squidracerX said:
" @AdMordem said:

" Wow, when i listened to this, that joke didnt bother me at all. Its a bit out there, and I doubt the family would find it funny. But humans have been dealing with tragedy by way of comedy for centuries, get over it. " 

@ Juvarial 
You either laugh, or don't listen.  
Fuck people get butt hurt too easily  
   Yeah i doubt the family would find that funny. If that kind of thing doesn't bother you at all then you are an insensitive jerk yourself. I hope something really bad happens to your family someday, and to help you deal with your grief people all around you make shitty jokes at you about it. Your a real ass of a human being. Maybe you really have been desensitized by violent video games? Is this proof that all the old people were right all these years? Either way i would love to have you in a room with that sherriff who got shot at or someone from the 4 year olds family and see you defend your point against them.  better yet i hope that little girl haunts you guys. First off they weren't dealing with any grief by making a joke, they were simply making a joke and it was distasteful topic to joke about. Only real assholes make jokes about children dying, (they only made it about the helicopter, but you are defending the joke with knowledge of the dead girl), but its still the same shooting rampage topic. No one EVER jokes about 4 year olds being murdered, you find me the joke and the event in "history" you are talking about, and then you prove your point. Were there Columbine jokes a week after the event? 9/11?  Virginia Tech?And lastly you don't know if a family member of that very girl reads this forum.  we don't even know if Jeff and Ryan would support this joke knowing all the details: we don't know if they knew or not about her death; (they live under a rock if they didn't hear about it though),  the email just said "people died". But i can see making a joke not thinking about it on the podcast, but coming out and supporting it in the forums knowing all the details? Real classy jerks! "

If the joke was solely about the helicopter (meaning that it wasn't about the loss of life), like you yourself recognize, and we are 'defending' the joke, then our defense can only exist in reference to the helicopter which is--like you admitted--the sole topic of the joke. Thus any knowledge we may or may not have of the loss of life in this particular instance is irrelevant when judging our defense of the joke.
News flash: that someone died in a helicopter shooting didn't make international headlines. I can assure you that a majority of the world population hasn't heard about this particular incident and I think it's a stretch to claim that this majority lives under a rock. Oh wait, maybe that's because we are more occupied with the massive loss of life in other parts of the world or, otherwise, with the countless large scale tragedies that occur every day. 
And if you think that "no one EVER jokes about 4 year olds being murdered", then the only valid conclusion is that you lead a very sheltered life. Every tragedy is accompanied by comedy; this holds true even if you decide to deny this. 
Stop acting all high and mighty, kiddo, it makes you look silly. You're on the internet; you don't have the moral high ground.
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Edited By DigitalOpiate

When's the next show goin up?

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Edited By adamfedoruk
@DigitalOpiate: haha  
you must be new here =(
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Edited By admordem
Ok. Enough with the insults.
Time for me to drop some knowledge on you.
1. I never said I support making fun of murdered kids, just that I didnt find the joke offensive.
2. Your 'no excuse for bad taste line' makes no sense... theres no law about bad taste, as it is COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE.
3. You keep going on that i know the facts... the only things i know about the murder are from the joke, and your rude and offensive posts. You assume to much.
4. I am NOT the murderer. Maybe direct your anger at someone even remotely involved with it, you have no right to judge me from a couple lines of text.
5. This whole thing has obviously hit a nerve with you. Im sorry if you have ever experienced anything like this, but i am horribly offended that you wish ill will on my family, just for me to suffer... or actually for any reason. You have no idea the shit my family has been through, and the tragedy and deaths we have had to endure.
6. You even point out that friends or relations of the kids might use this site and its forums, and then use variations on the phrase 'the dead girl' several times. That is really insensitive if you believe they might be on here. 
You need to learn to respect other peoples opinions even if they disagree with your own. 
You need to learn to not insult or wish harm upon others when trying to make a point. 
But most of all you need a hug.. too much anger, hatred and voilence. More hugs and this mightnt have happened.
Anyway, similar to what I said originally, I cant believe the over-reaction to a bad joke.
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Edited By RVonE
@squidracerX said:

"@RVonE   "then our defense can only exist in reference to the helicopter which is ... the sole topic of the joke"  Nope, thats not true, because you DO know the context of the joke, that would be like having a girl storm out of a party and walk home in the rain ruining her outfit and make-up; and the next time you see her a few days later you crack a joke about how she walked home in the rain and looked goofy hee hee! and your best friend says "yo man not cool, she stormed out of there because she was raped at the party and ran home". Oh man, that was a bad joke you made, you didn't know, but it was a horrible situation. You should feel sorry for bringing that up. (and i bet giantbombers would). Your friend KNOWS it was a shit joke because HE KNOWS what happened (thats like my side). But now if a third guy (you) comes up who knows what happened to her and defends the first guys joke, like "naw man, we are just talking about her walking home, she got soaked and looked stupid, its funny cause all we are talking about is that one part...." your an insensative ass, who is defending a bland joke too far. I am not really attacking the staff on the podcast for their error, my comments have mostly been at you forum fella's stupidity. "

You accuse us of stupity and yet you fail to understand the principles of logic which was the basis of my argument in my previous post.
I was not saying that Ryan didn't know about the murder and all that stuff. I was commenting on the logic of YOUR argument. YOU YOURSELF said the joke only involved the helicopter, not the dead girl. As such, you cannot logically accuse me of glorifying the loss of life since I was defending the joke, which, as we've seen, YOU acknowledge as only involving the helicopter. You can of course pose a different argument, but that would be contradictory to your own propositions. As such, in order to accuse me of anything else then defending the joke about a helicopter, you need to revise your overall argument. Now, if you are unfamiliar with the principles of logic, I cannot blame you for not being able to grasp my argument.
It's also interesting to see how you seem to be convinced that this event (the helicopter incident, not the joke) is somehow the single most relevant thing that has happened. Again, I can assure you that this minor incident (even though admittedly tragic for those involved) has no reach beyond your specific locality. It has not made international headlines and, as such, most of the world doesn't care. Shocking? No, because there are far worse things happening in the world that impact a lot more people than just a couple of American families. And guess what, all those tragic events have met with attempts at humor. 
You go on and on about insensitiveness. Insensitive would be to deny the fact that the event itself is tragic. I do not see how making a joke that references any tragic incident would somehow detract from the tragedy itself. Comedy circumvents the uneasyness we feel regarding certain matters and can often be a way to stress the importance of certain issues and can point out the norms and taboos that encircle it. Your failure to understand this is, in fact, a case in point.  
I ask you this: do you never listen to stand-up comedians? Because more often than not, one of their jokes will reference a tragic event (recent or not so recent). Have you seen the comedic productions that, for example, somehow relate to the second world war? Do you cry about those productions as well? Because that would be the only way for you not to be a hypocrite; you know, because that is the single most tragic event in human history. 
Also, wishing harm upon others makes you a hypocrite. It completely undercuts your self-righteous indignation with those who dare to say that a certain joke was not as bad as you make it seem. Quite frankly, I am appalled by the fact that you're even willing to go as far as wanting others to suffer; if anything, that is worse than the joke because you are serious. Your employement of double standards makes you look like an idiot. I ask you: who is the insensitive one here?
Good joke or bad joke, it's still a joke. Again, you don't have the moral high ground here, kiddo.
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Edited By RVonE
@squidracerX said:
"good work! "

Thank you. I'm glad you agree.
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Edited By admordem
@squidracerX said:

"your right, tragedy is funny! good work!"

No sir, your right.... it should be used as a threat.
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Edited By RVonE
@squidracerX said:

"@ AdMordem
See it hurts to have someone not feel compassion for your suffering! you guys just want to use rhetoric to rile me or try to make me look bad and i don't care, just don't play victim when you guys were the jerks saying how cool a murder was in the first place.

Awww, I thought we had reached an understanding. I mean, you congratulated us and expressed how proud you were of our achievement. Now I'm sad... [insert frowny face here] 
Neither AdMordem nor I have said that murder is cool. You keep accusing us of things we did not do and it makes you look bad. Our use of rhetoric, as you call it, is not a means to rile you or make you look bad--this is something you do to yourself. We merely point out how inconsistent and ill informed your argument is. 
While you claim that your offense is of a lesser degree than ours, this is unsupported by a compelling argument. A girl died, nothing we say or do can change that fact. However, wishing a girl will die is something that can actually come to pass. As such, you are the one who wished there would be MORE suffering in the world than there already is. The joke that sparked this sorry attempt of a discourse merely refers to a tragic event that has come to pass. We argued that the joke was not that bad. Neither Ryan or AdMordem or myself wanted the tragedy to expand beyond what it is. YOU are the one who wanted more suffering in the world. Even if you don't act on this intention, you are responsible for what you say. 
Now, you are clever enough to immediately apologize and think you now have the moral high ground. Unfortunately, this strategy is flawed for it hinges upon the conception that there is something that AdMordem and I must apologize for. It is very clear to me that only the accuser in this exchange has something to apologize for. 
It is amusing to see you proclaim that you are done with this discussion (check out my wall to see this) only to return again and make some sort of seemingly definitive statement. It is like you cannot help yourself! 
Oh, by the way, you accuse AdMordem of taking what you said out of context and yet it is YOU who fails to address most of the numerous arguments that we have erected against you.
Keep it coming, kid. Make us proud!
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Edited By admordem
What part of wishing my family ill will as a form of punishment was a joke? Where was the punch line?  
You lie sir! You didnt mean that as a joke at all. For someone who just said theres nothing funny about making fun of tragedy.. how can I believe you meant it as a joke?
At what point did I say you threatened me? You keep doing this, saying one thing and then doing the other. You say I misquote you, and then put words in my mouth (figuratively speaking.. err typing). Also i never posted the term 'butt hurt' at any point. Another user did, please at least try to be accurate.
Speaking of misquoting, you only gave ONE of the definitions for a threat:
  1. [noun] something that is a source of danger; "earthquakes are a constant threat in Japan"  
  2. [noun] a warning that something unpleasant is imminent; "they were under threat of arrest"
  3. [noun] declaration of an intention or a determination to inflict harm on another; "his threat to kill me was quite explicit"

  4. [noun] a person who inspires fear or dread; "he was the terror of the neighborhood"
 I would say in that context, you are a threat to these forums. 
Basically you said something not very cool, that was essentially the opposite of your point. Instead of  choosing the classy route of just going "Sorry, that wasn't cool. My bad." - a response which is similar to what you have described is appropriate in a case like this.
You try to defend wishing harm upon someone's family. You try to rally other GBers under your flag at one point. You will notice no one is supporting you. What kind of community supports the wish of ill will towards their peoples families?
I would tell you to go look up the definition of Hypocrite, but you didnt do well the last time you looked up a definition. Here it is for you:
 [noun] a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold.
PS: You think you have any basis for slander after calling me a jerk several times and wishing tradegy on me and my family for your own personal satisfaction? You REALLY need to read the above definition.
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Edited By admordem
@squidracerX said:

"you said the word threats dumbass"

Yes, but I never directly said that. Therefore you unfairly accused me of slander. Which is kind of... slanderous in itself? The definition for Hypocrite was in my last post. Please read it again.
I will clear it up for you though: yes, that is what I was inferring. However, you also missed the point of the other definitions of 'threat' that i posted for you, specifically the last one in bold font. You misunderstood the context in which it was used.
Also, stop PMing me further retorts and insults. If you have something to say, post it here.
Edit: woah i just saw the new wall of text. 
To make this quick and concise:
Telling someone you wish tragedy on them as a form of revenge is a joke to you - someone who doesnt think its funny to use tragedy as a form of comedy. This is, as Phoenix Wright has taught me, is a contradiction.
My point with the several definitions ill just cover again for you: first you were using the word threat in one context, and I was using it in another. The motivation of your 'suggestion' was that the threat of bad things happeneing to me should cause me fear to modify my opinio,n as you just described with your example. Hence my suggestion that you think its ok to use tragedy as a threat, was a valid (and non-slanderous) use of the word, and had nothing to do with you carrying the threat out yourself.
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Edited By admordem
Dude you were talking slander.. and i never directly said it. You also posted the exact definition of what YOU mean by 'threat' - carrying out the bad shit suggested yourself. In that context i didn't say you 'threatened'  me - in that I never inferred that you intended to carry out said bad shit yourself. 
I did however say that you thought it was ok to use the idea (which you articulated as your hope) of a tragedy happening to my family to prove a point. That being one of the other uses for the word 'threat'. You intended to inspire 'fear' or 'dread' and used the tragedy as your tool. 
None of that actaully matters though.
Lets get some closure on this:

I wasnt offended by the joke. I find some bad taste jokes not funny, but not offensive. Some people do and that is fine. I thought the reaction to it on this thread was more of an overeaction - and said so. That doesnt mean any of the things about me you have suggested, that i support murder, that im a jerk, or that i should have to experience tragedy (like ive ever been able to avoid it anyway). 
Thats my opinion and thats fine. What has carried this out between us further is from my typing a couple lines of text.. nothing really offensive or suggesting much other than i think people should have a sense of humour about tragedy. 
My question to you, the only thing that is relevent to our conversation: 
Why did you then reply to me with a page and a half insulting me, calling me names, saying things about me which you couldnt possibly know, and wish harm on my family as a joke if you want ot call it that? 
What if my mother had died that day? 
Wasnt your whole point that saying things like that is a NO-GO? 
Just respond to that last part and we can call it quits. I dont understand why you think tragedy should be treated more sensitvely, and then can behave like that.
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Edited By adziboy

Jesus Christ, stop fucking arguing. You've taken up what would be like 10 A4 pages of fucking pure hatred and arguing on an internet gaming site. I don't care if people disagree or whatever but do you both have to write an essay every single time?
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Edited By RVonE
@Adziboy said:
"Jesus Christ, stop fucking arguing. You've taken up what would be like 10 A4 pages of fucking pure hatred and arguing on an internet gaming site. I don't care if people disagree or whatever but do you both have to write an essay every single time? "

Yes, because it makes it more awesomer.
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Edited By R3Qui4M

Awesome page

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Edited By mythus

Dear internet: 
shut up

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Edited By Pepsicolaboy
@mythus said:
" Dear internet: shut up "
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Edited By fogh

Arguing on the internet, is like being in the special olympics. 
Even if you win, you are still retarded.
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Edited By Generiko

star trek is poo

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Bombcast Rewind just played this episode. Why did they have a sketch artist in the office?

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Star Trek Online is still running, now on PS4 and Xbox. Yes, that's right.... believe it.

Jeff's lifetime subscription to STO is basically the best investment he's ever made.

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Man, this decade-old comments section is hilarious. "Around whites, internet fights!"