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    Game » consists of 15 releases. Released Oct 19, 2010

    Take the fight to evil Russian robots using a rocket-powered self-adapting battlesuit in this innovative third-person shooter from Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami.

    Intensity vs. Length

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    #1  Edited By Thinktank

    This game is short, I just started act 5  with about 4 hours on the clock. However, this is one of the most intense games from moment to moment that I have ever played. Does anyone complain that Geometry Wars wasn't long enough? No one cares because they are completely invested in actually playing the game and trying not to die and scoring multipliers. The intensity more than covers for the short length, too long might give you a brain aneurism. 
    I actually love longer games just because I am getting more for the money but Vanquish isn't like other games, it's like 100 proof alcohol: awesome but too much would kill you. I loved Bayonetta too but I actually think it was a little too long, towards the end I got a little tired of wailing on fools. Vaquish's story is actually more coherent than Bayonetta but I would also say Vanquish's action is better.  
    With so much Japanese craziness I have decided that there is awesome Japanese crazy (Vanquish, Bayonetta) and bad Japanese crazy (insert like a million games here), I dig the Japanese spin on shooters that Vaquish represents. I hope that it sells enough to generate a sequel!

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    #2  Edited By Maclintok

    Bayonetta had great gameplay & bad packaging... poor narrative (not the standard 3-act structure & awful characters) but I respected it for being so wildly, Japanese-crazy.  Vanquish also has great gameplay but they went and pandered to stereotypical western tastes with the story & visuals. Big men, big guns, space marines, etc..  I think gamers can appreciate Japanese games for their own merits.. and the devs shouldn't have to compromise their vision for the sake of pandering to western tastes.  It's a tough place to be, i suppose. 

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    #3  Edited By MrKlorox

    It's not the size of the wave... but rather it's the motion of the ocean.

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    #4  Edited By Teran
    @Maclintok said:

    " Bayonetta had great gameplay & bad packaging... poor narrative (not the standard 3-act structure & awful characters) but I respected it for being so wildly, Japanese-crazy.  Vanquish also has great gameplay but they went and pandered to stereotypical western tastes with the story & visuals. Big men, big guns, space marines, etc..  I think gamers can appreciate Japanese games for their own merits.. and the devs shouldn't have to compromise their vision for the sake of pandering to western tastes.  It's a tough place to be, i suppose.  "

    Maybe the tone of the game (Bayonetta).  The characters were bad in the same way they'd be bad in any parody product.  The jokes are bad in MST3K but that's where most of the show's charm comes from.  Like MST3K, Bayonetta was never meant to be taken seriously, it was meant to be fun to play.
    Claiming any kind of pandering was going on just displays your ignorance.  You think muscular men and space marines is a western concept?  That's no more true than claiming effeminate males with giant swords is an eastern concept.  Please think about your argument a bit more before posting it in the future.
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    #5  Edited By Jimbo

    I had reach, but she had flexibility.

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    #6  Edited By ShockD

    I'd go with intensity... because of the Call of Duty games.

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    #7  Edited By MooseyMcMan
    @Jimbo said:
    " I had reach, but she had flexibility. "
    Wait, what's Garrus got to do with any of this? 
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    #8  Edited By AgentZigzag

    You guys are 100% right. People get so caught up with length. 
    There was a line I heard once where someone said: "People say you should stop smoking because you'll live longer. But in fact it only seems longer".
    What I think that means is that people are more interested in quantity than quality because quantity is easier to measure. I only bought Vanquish on Friday but I'd say I've had more enjoyment out of it than I've had with most other games I've bought this year (the 25 hours I've sunk into Civilization 5 come to mind).
    I'm a little sick of games being measured by their length. Does anyone go to rent a movie and say: "well this one looks good but its only 90 minutes where as this other one is two and a half hours so I'm getting that one." 
    Besides, I'm still on my first playthrough of Vanquish and there are at least 10 chapters I want to play again. Plus I haven't even finished the 1st of the challenges, them things is hard!

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    #9  Edited By FancySoapsMan

    There are games that take a long time to beat and they're good too.
    Those are the best kinds of games. Why should we have to compromise? Why can't we have both?

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    #10  Edited By Ragdrazi

    With me, you can always have them both, baby.
    Or wait, is that not what this thread's about?

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    #11  Edited By ViciousReiven

    I'm probably the only one who would prefer a longer game at slightly less quality than a short one that's nigh perfect.

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    #12  Edited By AgentZigzag
    @ViciousReiven said:
    " I'm probably the only one who would prefer a longer game at slightly less quality than a short one that's nigh perfect. "
    Not at all. The point is that IS what most people want. From the most high-profile journalist to the little kid at Christmas. I just wonder why people put such a high value on how long a game is. Do art collectors walk into galleries and say "Give me your largest painting please"? 
    Take something like GTA 4. Its what... 20+ hours long. Vanquish is maybe 6 hours from start to finish.  So GTA4 must be better right? Well how about GTA4 is 20 hours of doing the same thing over and over with decent driving but gunplay 5 years behind its peers, while Vanquish is 6 hours of doing the same thing over and over but has razor-sharp controls and some of the most satisfying combat out there.  
    I totally respect that you and many other people put such a high value on the length of a game... I just don't understand it. Maybe its just because with a job and half a dozen other hobbies I don't have the time to burn that I did when I was younger.
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    #13  Edited By ViciousReiven
    @AgentZigzag: At the last statement it might say something that gaming is pretty much my only hobby and I have all the free time in the world....

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