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    Vidmaster's Oath

    Concept »

    The Vidmaster Oath is an optional set of rules applied to Bungie's Marathon Series. It adds a steep challenge to the games, and has several stipulations, including punching all switches and using grenades whenever possible.

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    The concept of the Vidmaster originated in Marathon, but was not given a full definition until Marathon 2, when a command prompt appeared that read "I pledge to punch all switches, to never shoot where I could use grenades, to admit the existence of no level except Total Carnage, to never use the Caps Lock as my 'run' key, and to never, ever, leave a single Bob alive." 
    This oath has since expanded in many circles to incorporate many additional rules, all of which intended to make the challenge harder. Some of these optional rules include only using your fists(save for when you have grenades available), never recharging your shields and killing every enemy in the level, even when not required to advance.


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