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    Wasteland 3

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Aug 28, 2020

    The third entry in the iconic post-apocalyptic RPG franchise, backed again by crowdfunding like its predecessor.

    The most Political AAA Game Ever? My Thoughts and short Review

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    Man Wasteland 3 is a fantastic satire of American politics right now. It opens with the following message:

    "Stories we created early in development have in some cases been mirrored by our current reality..."

    It goes on to assure players that they are not attempting to mimic the actions of any one individual, despite the entire game clearly being a satire of Donald Trump and the Republican party. The rest of this post is going to contain some spoilers of the moderate variety, so if you want to go in spoiler free I would suggest skipping past the spoiler block. I am not going to spoil the ending since I haven't made it to the end myself, nor will I spoil some of the major plot twists, but there are several moderate plot developments I will go into detail here. The most significant spoilers in this spoiler block will be further blocked out.

    In the game you control a team of special forces called The Rangers in post-apocalyptic Colorado. The state is being run by The Patriarch, a man of many past wives and father of some crazy children including a daughter who he clearly thinks far more highly of than his sons. He plans to make Colorado great again by any means needed. This includes alliances with a crazy religious cult that believes salvation is to be achieved by strapping living torsos onto kites and rocketing them into the sky, and another that believes Ronald Reagan was literally God. They call themselves The Gippers and their woman are all referred to as Nancy and have wed a giant Reaganbot who decides to live and let live with the torso-kite madmen but immediately kills a robot living in a hippie commune when he realizes that commune and communist start with the same letters. It should be noted that the religious fanatic had just sacrificed several Gippers to his God while the robot had just saved equally as many of them from certain death.

    Throughout the game you must decide if the promise of the Patriarch's wealth is enough to justify the brazen destruction of entire races of people including a Latinx gang who happen to dress like clowns and are also cannibals. Meanwhile his police force, the Marshalls, have but a single penalty for any transgression, that penalty being to freeze to death in the Colorado winter. You first meet them as they are preparing to mete justice upon a young boy who had traveled to Colorado seeking asylum from religious persecution, but who was immediately accused of clearly being a clown cannibal, despite, you know, not being a clown or a cannibal. They then ask you to get them some advanced power armor with the stated goal of making their job of beating up innocent civilians less taxing. They claim that they need to instill fear in the populace to maintain law and order, although they oddly never touch a member of the 100 Families, a group of wealthy white folk who bankroll the Patriarch's operations. The only time you see an exception is when one openly challenges The Patriarch's rule, at which point he is executed on the spot without trial unless you personally choose to intervene.

    The 100 Families, meanwhile, suggest that you go and murder all these refugees who are fleeing the cannibal clowns and an even more ruthless group of slavers because they clearly don't have enough resources for everyone. That's despite every one of them living in a giant mansion surrounded by robotic servants. They also may or may not have converted their underground greenhouse into a prison for undesirables, meaning they had resources until they destroyed them to imprison the people who needed the resources. Anyways, this all comes to a head in Aspen which despite it being the apocalypse is still a ski resort that the wealthy use to get away from all the icky foreign folk. And one of the Patriarch's sons goes on a drug induced murder spree which you are instructed to clean up and then bring his son back for some very serious time out. He murdered like 50 people by the way. And displayed their corpses in grisly fashion all throughout the resort. And you are told explicitly not to arrest him but to bring him in for house arrest. In his Father's gilded mansion. Surrounded by servants and guards and having his every need attended to. I may or may not have shot him in the face instead.

    So if you want to play a game that is officially not about Donald Trump but is clearly all about Donald Trump, then give this game a go. It is the type of game that heavily reacts to your choices and gives you the freedom to play your way, so you can support The Patriarch, or you can support the insane clowns or you can attempt to play all the sides, eliminating them from the shadows one by one in an attempt to free the people of Colorado, or to replace their previous dictator with a new one who also happens to be a desert Ranger hired by their previous leader. And you can do this either by killing everyone you see or almost bloodlessly. Most situations allow you to talk your way out of a fight, and you can also gain skills in hacking and lockpicking and trap disarming if you want to sneak in to areas and perform some CIA level black ops shit.

    One other spoilery hint for those thinking of playing. You get a chance at one point to assist a US government agent named Morningstar who is being held prisoner in a long abandoned subway station. This is going to be a major spoiler so I am going to block it out, but it is too good to not share. Suffice to say do this mission. It turns out the agent is actually an AI driven car designed to ferry Ronald Reagan if the bombs fell. Unfortunately the bombs fell before the nuclear powered engine was complete and so this AI has been sitting here for 100+ years. He wants you to help him commit suicide for failing to save America's greatest president. Do not do this. If you talk him out of it he will allow you to upgrade your tank with several game changing abilities and he will use hilarious Reaganisms in every combat encounter. You do get a nuclear weapon for killing him, but I have found a grand total of three nukes in the entire game, while you can use your Tank in dozens of battles.

    For those wondering about the quality of the game itself, I would say it is very good. It is a bit buggy and unpolished at this point, but nothing game breaking. Some of the subtitles are incorrect or identify the incorrect speaker for example. And some minor quality of life improvements could be made. Most notably, you can upgrade your tank that you use to travel around the game world, but there is no way to compare the items you are going to purchase with the ones you have equipped and your tank isn't considered part of your party when you are in a city so you have to walk back to your tank and memorize all of its equipment stats and then walk back to the vendor or risk wasting your money which you really need to save for ammunition and healing items.

    Of note, I have seen several critics describe the combat in this game as being very difficult, especially later on. I want to disagree and say that the combat merely requires you to plan ahead. See once you engage in combat you enter into a turn based mode. But before that you can place each of your characters as you see fit freely. So before combat starts you need to place your snipers in a high distant spot, your rifleman at medium range, and your handgun/shotgun and melee characters in close range. Some abilities can be popped out of combat as well, and it is incredibly important to make sure you always fire first. This is because like X-Com each team goes entirely before the next. That means if you get caught unaware you could find your entire team wiped before you get a turn. That might seem harsh, but the game clearly draws circles of awareness around enemies, and you are given ample time to move before an enemy spots you. Play sloppily, though, and you will get wiped in seconds. You need to position yourself and then open fire first. That ensures your team gets the first turn, which means enemies will often not be in cover, allowing you to take them out before they get a turn.

    Also worth noting, as I said above, you need to purchase ammunition early in the game. While you should eventually have plenty if you spend time exploring, early on you need to make sure you are well stocked before leaving Ranger HQ. Your team also does not heal between encounters, and any who fall in battle receive an injury that can only be removed either by a doctor back at base or by a team member with a high enough surgery skill and a surgery kit. You also need suture kits to stop bleeding, and antidotes to cure poison. Do not make the mistake of buying guns and armor. You will get plenty of those from your dead foes. Your money early on needs to be mainly spent on ammo and medical supplies and if you are running low you need to high tale it back to base to sell your junk and buy more.

    On that note, the barter skill is essential in this game. It opens up the single best perk in the game that makes it so that some items are sold for 10x their value. You should make sure you get this perk as early as possible. Also early on be sure to focus on hacking and lockpicking skills as it will allow you to break into areas without fighting and also unlock lockers and chests that contain higher end gear. Lastly, make sure you min/max your characters in this game. Outside of weapon skills which you will likely want to double up on, every character should have their own skills that you should max out before investing in other skills. In addition to barter, lockpicking, and electronics/hacking, you should have someone maxed out in explosives as it allows them to disarm traps and is also required to use some of the better rocket launchers, and a maxed out medic. I had a couple characters that had a point or two in medicine just in case my main medic went down, as only people with at least one point in that skill can heal their team members. There is an item that heals oneself, but if you run out you want to have two or three characters who can perform healing. Bear in mind, though, that one of the later perks in the medicine tree is that using the health pack doesn't consume it, meaning you should try to get that perk as soon as possible and then only use your other characters to heal your medic who would then heal everyone else.

    Using these strategies I made all the way to what I believe is the final act of the game without wiping. I did wipe twice in the final act, and both were because I failed to notice that an enemy had spotted me and I was wiped before getting a turn. I have not yet failed a battle that I got the first turn on though. The game is very beatable if you play it smart. Do not hoard items in this game. Use what you have and purchase more. The two exceptions to that rule are rockets and nukes. There are maybe 50-75 rockets to be both found and purchased in the game total. So you do need to avoid using rockets if you don't need them or you will run out. I have also found 3 nukes in total the whole game, and have not found any vendor who sells them so nukes should only be used in the most dire circumstances, that is assuming you actually find a nuke launcher, which I have not. Beyond that always use all of your resources and you should be fine.

    One final spoiler for those who wonder what the Toaster Repair skill does/is. This is not a story spoiler but if you have never played a Wasteland game you might not want to know about this unique skill. If you have then feel free to read this as the skill is unchanged from the previous games. Toaster repair is a long running skill in the Wasteland series dating all the way back to the original in 1988. Toasters in the Wasteland are like Epic Chests, containing the absolute best and rarest loot in addition to Golden Toaster parts. I cannot stress enough that you should not sell the Golden Toaster parts despite their insane value. I promise you it will be more than worth it in the late game if you manage to collect them all. Anyways, to get any items out of toasters you need to repair them which is what the toaster repair skill is for. So think of it like lockpicking or hacking but specifically for toasters. It is not an essential skill, but you will miss out on some of the best gear in the game without it.

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    #2  Edited By Raven10

    Also since he was asking for opinions, @rorie here are my full thoughts. I have the major story spoilers blocked out again within the spoiler block so unless anyone is incredibly sensitive to spoilers feel free to open the spoiler block and just avoid the blocked out parts. Or just read everything outside the spoiler block for my thoughts on the gameplay.

    EDIT: Also, @brad, if you haven't tried this yet, I think you would really appreciate the satire in this game if you could stomach playing something this political right now.

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    I'm coming up on what feels like the end and I agree with your review. Great game, rough around the edges at times, but really well written and while on the nose sometimes is also truly funny and inspired at others.

    As far as the Trump comparisons, I laughed out loud at their disclaimer, and then we met the Patriarch and it was just, oh boy.

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    #5  Edited By Justin258

    compare the items you are going to purchase with the ones you have equipped

    I haven't made it to the part where you buy parts for your tank - can you not just hold shift or click the left analog stick?

    It goes on to assure players that they are not attempting to mimic the actions of any one individual, despite the entire game clearly being a satire of Donald Trump and the Republican party.

    I also haven't made it very far in the game so maybe there are some specific places where this can be refuted... but I feel like Wasteland 3 started off as satirizing American right-wing politics in general, not Donald Trump specifically, and then the past four years happened and suddenly reality itself was a satire of American right-wing politics. This game just happened to come around at precisely the right time for its subject matter and tone to be relevant.

    I did not expect Wasteland 3 to be this. I figured it would be, you know, just more Wasteland 2, and in a lot of ways it is. But I don't recall Wasteland 2 kicking right off with this kind of "hey, this isn't so far off from the real world" sort of writing, I just remember it being decent Fallout-ish pulp-y science fiction.

    I have some complaints I'd like to get out there, however. I spent all morning playing it and I'd really like to get these out of my head and on paper. All spoiler block'd because I don't want to be super negative about this game. It's definitely worth your time and money if you're willing to put up with some jank.

    On a far less political note, the mouse and keyboard controls for this game are weird. I can't rebind anything on the mouse and, frustratingly, some functions are bound to left mouse and some are right and my muscle memory from playing Pillars of Eternity has me left clicking on everything. I have been playing with a controller and that works very well, but there's no map shortcut on the controller. Instead, you push Select and have to tab all the way over to the map and every tab takes a second to move and it's such a little thing but you do it so much. In general, the game has the same problem that Wasteland 2 had - somehow, everything feels like it takes a few seconds longer to do than it should. Most frustratingly of all, though, is that on a mouse and keyboard, if you hold the right click to move, only your selected character moves even if you have your whole group highlighted. You have to click to move somewhere, wait for your whole party to start moving, and then start holding right click. What the fuck. This is actually the primary reason I've been sticking with controller, where your whole party just moves as you would expect them to.

    The other thing I want to mention isn't really a huge problem for me but I want to bring it up regardless - load times. This game is installed on a NVMe M.2 SSD - that's one of those fancy ridiculously fast drives. But the game still has thirty second load times. Not a huge deal, right? Except that it seems like all of the areas I've been to thus far are small and isolated. Why can Divinity Original Sin get away with these freaking massive areas but this game - which doesn't seem to be any more complex or intensive - has to segment so much? D: OS 2 runs on all of the major consoles including the Switch. This is by no means a deal breaker and I'm honestly more confused than angry about this aspect of the game - what's going on here that requires Downtown Colorado Springs, Broadmoor Heights, and the Machine Shop to all be their own segmented areas that each require thirty second load times?

    And here's one that's also less of a complaint and more of a why. You can zoom in to your character pretty far and when you zoom in, the camera angles up quite a bit. I'm not a game developer so this might be way more complex than I'm thinking - but it seems like you could just put the camera behind your character's back and run around in third person without much trouble. If you have trouble rendering distant terrain, I'd be OK with some fog or something. I'm just getting a little tired of all the good RPGs being top down when D:OS and this game are detailed enough to be third person. It's especially annoying for this game because I don't feel like I can zoom out far enough. It wouldn't look great so it really should be an option, or even something you have to go turn on in a menu or something, but it would still be nice to play around with even if it doesn't look totally right.

    I'd like to reiterate that none of these are dealbreakers and I'm still having a lot of fun with this game. Seriously, if you think you can deal with these minor complaints, go get the game.

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    Man, I just skimmed those spoilers since I want to check this out, and just, wow. That certainly sounds like something.

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    I'm still waiting for that perfect game...

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    #8  Edited By thesquarepear

    This might be the game that makes me get Game Pass.

    I liked the style of Wasteland 2 but I got a little lost in the numerous skills and companions multiplied and I was disappointed in the consequences of choices (think there was a lost kid from a settlement with disease that was pretty inconsequential). KOTOR 1+2, FO: New Vegas or Witcher 2 are the gold standards of taking consideration of player choices for me (haven't finished Outer Worlds and I had a hard time with Mass Effect).

    Anyways I've been playing a lot of Xenonauts recently so I've grown fond of turn-based combat but the XCOM reboots are too "buff anime" for me so I think I might even buy it full price on GOG.

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    @thesquarepear: One thing I did appreciate with regards to choice in Wasteland 2 is that unlike a lot of those other games there wasn't much of a focus on making sure the player can resolve a situation in a way that makes them feel good about it.

    Whereas the earliest branching path of Wasteland 2 is here are two equally important things to this world, go save one and the one you don't save is Fucked.

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    @efesell: Yeah, I think I might have a weakness for story over gameplay so if there are individual characters that I care for, then I will go out of my way for them. Whereas if there are choices serving gameplay I largely don't care and will choose whatever is convenient.

    It's probably human nature to favor emotions over abstract politics so it felt natural to choose Mira over Kreia or Kaiden over Ashley (I'm not so sure about that now, though) than some abstract village based on politics.

    Anyways sounds like the choices are more personal so that's a positive for me at least.

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    @justin258: You cannot hold shift because the car is not in your party when you are not in combat and it compares to the selected party member. And, yea, the load times are brutal. I am going to assume they are still using Unity for this game. Unity has major issues with streaming. In fact it wasn’t until last year that they even supported some types of asset streaming. And the engine also has terrible multithreading support, so even with streaming enabled you get horrendous frame rates, especially on consoles with their weak Jaguar CPUs. So my guess is that both the size of the areas and the long loads are direct results of them using Unity.

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    @thesquarepear: They have really streamlined the skills here. They combined a lot of the skills so there are a lot less of them and characters now automatically use the requisite skill when you right click on an item. If you have your whole party selected the game will even know to use the character with the highest rank of that skill. So it is much easier to manage. Like if you see a trap and hover over it with your whole party selected you will be informed if anyone in your party can successfully disarm it and if you right click the correct character will do so. Much less unintentional suicide or setting off alarms, and no need to memorize which character has which skill and which skill is needed to unlock which item. Same with dialogue checks and random encounter checks. As long as any party member meets the threshold you are good.

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    I'm intrigued in this game from skimming through your description of the plot. I feel like I'm looking for a straight-up dark and depressing take on current politics, not a darkly humorous one, but despite that it's honestly refreshing to see a game that's willing to look straight at the current state of society and say "I want to make a game about that," rather than just beating around the bush like most AAA games. I have game pass so I'll probably download this at some point.

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    I'm pretty sure it's TLOU2

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    On the to-do list but is Wasteland 3 any more "AAA" than Disco Elysium? Or the HBS Shadowruns?

    Like, it sounds like inXile finally got it right and that makes me pretty excited since I have both gamepass AND a kickstarted copy since this was around the time of "remnant of interplay/black isle making a CRPG? here is some money!". But is there anything "AAA" about this other than folk liking it?

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    Was just gonna mention this. I wouldn't call it a AAA game.

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    So I got game pass and played through the opening mission on easy (hey, I'm a story guy) and have good impressions so far.

    Though I will say even if they didn't have much budget I think they could find some better voice actors and improve on the sound design. Rangers also still seem like the most one-dimensional faction they always were, I guess. Looks like it's shorter to finish than Wasteland 2 so this one might hook me.

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    I wished I liked it more. For every beat that felt good (a grim Godfishers tribe sub-quest started hitting those Cormac McCarthy tones), there's three more beats reminding you just how silly this series can be (Wasteland 4, the game, is introduced to your characters in a gaming museum).

    And while I kind of enjoyed how even the best intentions culminate in a very messy situation, I was disappointed to see just how much of the game's design usually ended with "...and now kill everything in this space."

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