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Giant Bomb News


Blizzard Is Investigating 'A Diablo-Related Concept' For Consoles

Your Diablo III for consoles confirmation is in another castle.

Blizzard rarely shoots down the idea of Diablo III on consoles. Whoever is asked about a possible port often says that the studio believes the hack-and-slash RPG is suited for a controller. It's this kind of careful answer that's been fueling the "Diablo III could be heading to consoles" headlines that we've seen a billion times. This isn't exactly one of those stories because of these twists: Blizzard is hiring console leads for the Diablo III team and it has admitted that it's investigating a "Diablo-related concept for consoles."
According to three posted openings, Blizzard wants to hire someone with "extensive knowledge of Diablo," and experience in console development. A lead programmer opening specifically asks for "an experienced engineer to lead console development on the Diablo team." 

These listed positions aren't confirmation of Diablo III for consoles, despite how they appear on the surface. Right after these positions were posted and requests for comment from press went out, Blizzard wrote on its Diablo III page that it is merely "exploring a Diablo-related concept for consoles and are looking to fill a few senior console-related positions on the Diablo III team." Hmm... 

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It added towards the end of said post, surely in an attempt to keep the legions of PC and Mac owners off its back, that it is "first and foremost developing Diablo III for Windows and Mac PCs and don't intend to allow any possibility of a console interpretation to delay or affect the release of the game."

So, will Diablo III hit consoles? Who knows? It's plain now, however, that Blizzard is at least investigating the possibilities instead of just talking about how suited Diablo III is to a controller.