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Giant Bomb News


Box Shot Jack Moves

THQ gets litigious over off-roading boxes, I get confused over rock boxes.

As you might have heard, THQ filed a lawsuit against Activision over box art. Specifically, THQ's people think that the box for Activision's Score International Baja 1000: The Official Game is way too similar to THQ's Baja: Edge of Control.

Take a look for yourself, and keep in mind that THQ's game came out first and has been out for a bit. Activision's will be out soon.

Can you spot ten differences between these two images?
Can you spot ten differences between these two images?

I'm no lawyer, but I think I see their point. While we're on the topic, I was recently out doing a little shopping when I noticed something pretty similar coming out of the R section.

Deliberately similar? Or a completely random coincidence?
Deliberately similar? Or a completely random coincidence?

I can't imagine Konami's Rock Revolution box shot just happened to duplicate the color and feel of the Rock Band 2 box by mistake. I'm guessing that someone said "let's see if we can trick people into thinking this is officially related to this other thing!" Then someone probably said "but that's just wrong and potentially illegal!" Then the other guy said "then forget I said anything and help me pick out a proper shade of blue!"
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+