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Dead Space 2 Downloadable Prequel Hitting This Fall

Get to know Isaac again in "choose your own adventure" form.

One of the first questions a Dead Space 2 player might ask--how super welder Isaac Clarke got entangled on the moon base the Sprawl in the first place--might be answered before Dead Space 2 is out. Electronic Arts, a publisher ever eager to get into the vaunted downloadable space, has announced a prequel Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Network downloadable title called Dead Space: Ignition

It is, according to the press release, a comic-style "choose your own adventure" game that incorporates three hacking mini games: Hardware Crack, Trace Route, and System Override.

While the idea of playing mini-games in a downloadable Dead Space joint doesn't sound particularly appealing, there's a possibility that they're not your typical lamebrain Wii experiences. "Each game offers a fun and satisfying arcade experience that will challenge players with puzzles and twitch gameplay," the EA press release announcing Ignition reads. 

If you guessed Ignition from this, well, congratulations. 
If you guessed Ignition from this, well, congratulations. 

As for story, Antony Johnston, the creator of a Dead Space comic series in 2008, is penning Ignition. His narrative will have to navigate the new game's four endings, and I suppose, whatever weaves or snags we create in the plot fabric as a result of Ignition's "choose your own adventure" nature.

Dead Space: Ignition is being co-developed by Visceral and Sumo Digital, and is out in the third quarter. Each ending you complete in Ignition will unlock an item in Dead Space 2, which is still set for a Jan. 25, 2011 release.