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Giant Bomb News


Don't Expect Micro-Transactions In StarCraft II

Word on the street is that we'll get mondo-transactions instead.


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As of right now, Blizzard Entertainment doesn't have plans to sell horse armor--or the Blizzard equivalent of it--in its eternally upcoming RTS StarCraft II. In a chat with, company executive VP Frank Pearce said micro-transactions wouldn't immediately be a part of the game, adding that SCII doesn't seem the right kind of vehicle for micro-transaction shenanigans.  

"Not right now--no plans," he told when asked directly about micro-transactions with World of Warcraft's optional, latest pay-for mount in mind. "But if you look at the micro-transactions for World of Warcraft as an example, as much as possible, we're not trying to do anything that impacts the gameplay experience, or affects the integrity of the game world at all."

The last downloadable mount sold for use with World of Warcraft, a ghostly winged horse called The Celestial Steed, purportedly netted Blizzard millions. It was sold via the Blizzard Store for 25 bucks a pop and really, like Pearce noted, it was little more than a cosmetic addition. Fans wanted it regardless of usefulness, though. At one point, the queue for the download pushed over 140,000 purchasers. 

"I think micro-transactions probably don't make sense for a game like StarCraft II. Unless we decide to do something much more extensive with player profiles, then maybe we'll evaluate it..." Pearce said before speaking to the game's user-made map creation marketplace, which will allow gifted creators to sell their creations to others.

I should note that Pearce made all of these comments before I told him about my wicked idea for a giant flying goblin robot that shoots lasers out of its eyes and can carry up to five medics at a time.